Chemo JAN 2017

Hi Teddies, 

just catching up after a treatment free week.

congratulations to Suze, Robin, Fen Hen, Nicky and Esther on finishing rads and Jackie for your dedication on the certificates, I hope you are getting on OK now. 

Egg - I think you are still on chemo but nearly there? anyone else still being zapped?

Blue - good luck with your surgery on Monday.


I am starting rads on Monday, for 4 weeks. I’ve also got to go back to the chemo unit for a blood test then Zometa infusion which is via a cannula, more blooming needles! it’s going to feel like a chemo day and then to round it off, I restart Anastrozole that day too. I use the Macmillan app to remind me to take it since I forgot  when I was taking it before chemo so no chance with current level of memory.


Ebim, you are so brave going bald/fluffy, I haven’t plucked up courage to go out like it yet. A number of people have suggested shaving/clipping the fluff to encourage growth but I can’t bring myself to part with any of my new fluff. Wtp, how did your’s grow so well?

Like you Ebim, my ankles have taken to swelling, I looked it up and sure enough, a well known SE of Tax. I have decided to attribute a late weight gain to fluid retention as eating less hadn’t made any difference.

My nails are still on but most have bruises under them and still a bit numb on the tips. Still not much taste but improving slowly and energy is starting to return.

I  wish I was good at eyebrow drawing Esther, I just cannot get them even, I have the Roger Moore type look of quizzical surprise mostly.

Hi to Lighthouse,Slowski and Scotty - Are you still tuning in?

good luck to everyone this coming week with treatments or just coping with the adjustment after it, sorry if I have forgotten anyone.

hugs, Beedot x 

Hey Beedot,

Good luck with rads next week. I am due to finish Thursday so not done yet but SO FAR has been a breeze compared to chemo.

What I am struggling with is the mental side - I keep convincing myself the cancer is spreading and worry about every ache and pain. Does anyone else feel this? I find it quite overwhelming at times. On the other hand I don’t want to mention it to the team as dread being sent for more scans and the scanxiety that comes with them. Any tips on how to move forward gratefully received !

Enjoy the heatwave Teddies X

Hi Beedot - yes you are right I am still slogging on. 12 down and 2 to go! I will get there eventually!!

For Esther c


Another brave warrior crossing the rads finishing line.

For fortitude and bravery I am delighted to award this certificate.





Hi everyone.
Thanks for the good wishes for my surgery tomorrow. I’m so anxious about it today as I am packing my overnight bag. I’m worried about the actual surgery itself, the pathology outcome, the long term effects of axillary clearance, feeling disfigured…the lot! Like you Slowski, I am convinced my cancer is spreading - every ache and pain I think is it! The lymph nodes in my affected side are aching again too which is reducing me to tears with anxiety though I suspect it’s all tied in with my worry about tomorrow! I do believe we will move on from these feelings - others who have been through this journey tell me you do but it takes time. Being in the middle of it now though is really hard!
I think Jackie you have had the worst experience of us all. And even when you finish rads, it’s not the end - you still have Bob to deal with and further surgery. It must be tough for you to keep going. But you are.
Ebim, I am becoming quite the hairy mary!! I already have bob length head hair as I cold capped, but some of the hair I lost early on has started growing back and is about an inch long, giving quite a tatty appearance! I have short eyelashes now - they’re not quite ready for mascara but maybe in a few weeks they will be. I also have a full nose of hair (lol!!) and stubbly eyebrows. I’ve even noticed a few leg and armpit hairs making a comeback. I feel so optimistic about my recovery when I see this new growth and my body regenerating…and then I think of surgery and the results and slump back down into woe is me. What an emotional rollercoaster!
We will do the biggest cheer Egg, when our final comrade completes chemo. Not long now.
All the best to you tomorrow Beedot. You’re on the home run now!
Hope you’re OK Robin, Mooney, Wtp, Lighthouse…?


Very best wishes for tomorrow. Compared to what we have been through overall, I found surgery to be a very positive and manageable experience, so I hope you do too; anxierty of course is completely natural but this time tomorrow you will have crossed that hurdle.

We’ve all got your back!


Blue good luck tomorrow. I hope it all goes well. I will be asking lots of questions once I eventually get there!
Ebim - yes I will be doing rads but have surgery to go first. I am due to see surgeon next week to have a scan and then discuss what op I will have. Had asked onc last week for rough timescales so I think at this rate it will be surgery start of Aug and then rads in Sept. What a journey! But it makes a huge difference to know that you are all on it with me and leading the way!
Jackie - good to hear from you, how many sessions of rads do you have? I hope you are managing to get a rest over the weekend.
I am having real issues now with chemo brain - forgetting everything and using the wrong words! Does this get any better?
Hugs to all, Egg x

Scotty - will you have rads after your surgery?


Not had ful node clearance, had 6 nodes out so sorry no advice on that.

How many subcut Herceptins have you had?

Slowski x

Oh gosh Scotty - what happened with the subcut jab? I just assumed (wrongly it seems!) that if you were ok with the herceptin IV it would be ok with the jab too. Will they now give it to you IV again?
I will most likely have full node clearance. How long were you in hospital for?

Hope your recovery keeps going to plan Scotty

Evening all still here but had busy week, even busier weekend and intermittent internet. I’ll catch up properly over next day but briefly: Scotty i had full axillary clearance, ask away. Blue warm but gentle hugs for tomorrow you will be in my thoughts. Well done to all whi are finished or closer to finishing active treatment.
Much love to all. X

How long did it take for the numbness to go? Have you got any long lasting effects?

Thanks Jackie

Blue Egg and Ebim,

I’m having 25 sessions of rads, done 9, so by Thursday I’ll be halway through.

I’ve been better for having the weekend off. It makes a big difference.

I don’t think I’ve had it any worse than anyone else.

My SEs have just been different that’s all.

So far I haven’t lost any nails, or had horrendous experiences with lines and the like.

I’ve not had any tremedous fear either - maybe beciuase I’m that much older and  my faith keeps me going, along with a wonderful hubby and son.

I’m more worried at the moment about one of my dogs, a Standard poodle called Lulu who we have had since she was 6 weeks old. Now 12 and healthy as a bull until 2 weeks ago when she stopped eating and was in tremendous pain. Turns out she has pancreatitis, and my vet collected her this afternoon to put her on intravenous fluid therapy.

I have another focus for my worries I guess.


Hi everyone, I’ve been absent for a while but haven’t stopped thinking about you all- esp Egg, so close to the end now - chemo soon to be a distant memory!
Slowski - have you seen the BCC moving on course? I’ve not done it but heard great things? If you can’t go on the course, there is a leaflet…
scotty - we’ll done on getting through surgery and still being so upbeat. Blue - good luck for tomorrow! We’ll all be thinking of you. Mine will be July 6thand I think I’ll be just as anxious. Just think - after tomorrow you will hopefully no longer “have cancer”!!! :slight_smile:

For all the under 45 yr old women - I just got back from the BCC Younger Women Together event in London and can’t recommend it enough. An emotional, informative and warm (in more ways than one!) two days, one evening, with 40 women with primary BC. For the first time (apart from on this forum), I could speak openly with people who understand. Did you also know about the Facebook group? I’ve just joined it.

Thinking of you all often xxx

Wtp - what did the younger women together meeting cover? I’m going to look into that esp as I am London based
Egg x

I’ve just logged on to catch up and am touched by all the support, thoughts and your good wishes. It really does mean a lot - thank you.
I’m having the guidewire too Scotty - they will do it in the morning before surgery I believe. How long does a lumpectomy and axilla clearance operation take? I’m wondering if OH will be there when I return to the ward or whether he will have gone to collect the children from school?!!! I know I’m having a drain inserted in my axilla which I will go home with as I’m only staying in hospital overnight. Not sure about the dressings - will they be padded? The next few days are forecast to be hot - will I be able to come home in a step into it strappy dress and slot my drain through the armhole??! Honestly! The things that concern me are crazy!! My consent form listed ‘asymmetrical breasts’ as a possible complication of surgery, and what that actually means concerns me a little. As do the long term effects like reduced strength, sensation and movement in my arm. And obviously seroma and lymphoedema.
Egg, I still have chemo brain 4.5 weeks on. It’s one of the reasons I stopped going into work and am now ‘off sick’ as I can’t concentrate or find the words or forget what I am saying! I sincerely hope it passes soon.
Hope Lulu is OK Jackie.
Have a good week everyone.

The lumpectomy doesn’t take long. With the nodes they don’t know in advance. Mine were very deep so took longer. Both procedures are done in less than two hours and then it depends how long it takes you to come to. My dressings are waterproof and look like a honeycomb pattern. Taking the drain out was surprisingly painless. Good luck ?

Hi, hope you’re all keeping cool ?

Scotty I had a full node clearance and a mastectomy, as Jackie said the exercises are really important, not easy at first though. I’m starting to get used to using my arm as normal again now. It’s taken a long time as the healing seemed to go backwards with every chemo, with all that behind you hopefully you’ll heal much quicker. I did worry myself a few times by thinking it was swollen, then I looked at my other arm and realised it was just my bingo wings!
The thing I found most frustrating was in the kitchen and making meals - I had problems with chopping etc - wish I’d found bags of frozen diced onions, mushrooms and veg in Tesco’s much earlier - anything ready prepared is definitely worth it.

Jackie I’ve had nausea too, it’s not really gone since the end of chemo but got worse during rads- it seems to be going slowly, I’ve not managed to lose any weight though sadly.
Hope your dog’s ok, my golden retriever had pancreatitis a few years ago, she was in intensive care for a couple of days but pulled though - don’t think she was very impressed with the low fat diet she had to live on after that!

I’ve lost my first finger nail today, just when I thought they were going to hang on. I still have then covered in nail varnish though so I can’t see what’s happening underneath, think I’ll keep it that way for quite a while yet.

Hope it all goes well for you tomorrow Blue, Beedot and anyone else with treatment or appointments x