Chemo JAN 2017

Hurray- well done Egg!! Really pleased for you x

A FB group sounds good to me, thank you Suze for offering to set that up.

I’m at the fluffy hair stage too, it’s a bit patchy but definitely getting there, it seems to be a bit darker every day. Sadly I think it’s going to grow straight out like a toilet brush -a very grey one - think I’ll be in a hat for a while yet.


Hi Beedot. The nails don’t come off completely. They are growing out very soft and weak and seem to ‘tear’ across about half way down. Not painful. Seem to be growing very slowly at the moment which I suppose makes sense as so is my hair.
Suze. I too have blonde stubbly little eyelashes and dull mouse coloured hair. I understand it’s temporary and colour returns eventually.
Onwards we go. So nice to have everyone at the party. The non red cocktails are flowing. R x

Fen your hair comment made me laugh as mine is also looking like a toilet brush at the moment! A dirty grey one!

I am no investigating how to join FB, as would love to stay in touch with everyone on here. Feel like we have come through so much, and everyone does understand exactly what we have been through. Whenever I’ve posted about some side effect that has been worrying me someone has always come back with a “I’ve had that too” and it makes me worry less. Oncology team are kind but don’t really know what it’s like, and haven’t always had advice for some of the issues (like the horrid corded veins!)
I don’t feel like this journey will ever truly be over, as I guess we will continue to have contact with the oncology team for quite some time, so would love it if the thread/group could keep on going. Especially as I will be slogging on with surgery/radio/herceptin/hormones for a long time!!!
Hugs to all, and thank you again for all your good wishes, it means a lot!
Egg x

To all January 2017 teddy warriors


Group hug time again - and the party is on me later…no sausage rolls I’m afraid. :smileywink:









Tapas collage.jpg

Yay party!! Yay group hug ???
Quick hair response - mine came through grey but now finally getting some of my old colour and warmth back. Eyelashes are also blonde but I think it is because they are not proper ones yet - just that weak, wispy hair - I’m hoping they will strengthen up as it’s so hard to put mascara on ?
Pre-op assessment later and hopefully biopsy results as the op is depending on them ?
Looking forward to the FB group! Xxx


Sending good vibes your way


Wtp - praying for great biopsy results. xxx

Good luck Wtp!
Mmmm jackie that paella looks yum!

Good luck today Wtp. Jackie thanks for the group hug - we all needed that. And the new party food looks fantastic, much better than sausage rolls. We can even forgive the sangria for being red as no doubt it tastes a lot better than chemo. Suze I meant to say I laughed at your vacuum cleaner fluff comment, as that pretty much sums up my hair. Looking forward to our fb group. R x

Thanks suze re Nordic walking info…  I am lucky enough to be close enough to the penny Brohn centre to go there, just need to get myself a bit more organised.  I’ve done the residential Living Well course there and that was good. 


Jackie, thank you for the group hug and for the new party food, it all looks lovely.  I’m sorry you are are having a rough ride with the radiotherapy, you will deserve the biggest certificate and biggest sangria when you finish!


Hair . … mm,  a bit like a Brillo pad at the moment - I haven’t quite got the confidence to go “bald”. It looks like it’s coming back grey/dark brown.  More concerning are my eyebrows, they look like a pair of 5 o’clock shadows!


Wtp thinking of you with your biopsy results. X


Work wise  my onc said he doesn’t anticipate me going back before the autumn and I feel I need time still to process everything and get my head round things and assess if I want to go back to being a critical illness assessor and to be honest emotionally I’m still struggling.  So each day at a time there.


looking forward to the Facebook link.  We’ve been through a lot and it will be nice to keep supporting each other. Xx

Wtp how did it go with surgeon and assessment?

Suze - I’d be intetested in a fb group. Like the idea of meeting up at some point in the future too.
Wtp - how did it all go? X
Much love to all. X

Hi all, they didn’t have my results yesterday when I went for the pre-op but my BCN just callled and they are in now. My oncologist wants to see me at 3pm. They wouldn’t say anything over the phone and I could tell by her tone of voice that it is not good news. I’m literally back to falling apart again. I hate this so much xxxx

Wtp will be thinking of you this afternoon and keeping everything crossed. I really hope it’s good news
Egg xxx

Will be thinking of you this afternoon wtp.

Will be thinking of you this afternoon wtp.
Hopefully all will be OK, but even if it’s not good news like you feel, it probably won’t be the worst news you’re imagining. I’m only saying that as if you’re anything like me throughout this journey, I always think the worst case scenario! I can’t help myself!


Oh Wtp.
Praying hard that it won’t be what you think, and for lots of strength for you. Xxx

Thinking of you Wtp. Beedot xx

B*llocks!! They found LCIS, DCIS and IDC in the biopsies ?. So not only back to mx rather than lumpectomy but they want me to have it ASAP (next wk) which means no immediate reconstruction as the waiting list is likely to be too long. Not to mention that there is more active cancer left than the scan showed. The biopsies were taken from the two furthest points on the shadow and the tumour is kind of in the middle. Which I guess means in theory there could be active cells elsewhere in the body, right? I’ve had a good cry and now about to drown my sorrows. I know it’s not the right thing to do but OH is with me and he’s t-total so will keep me in check. Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts. Bloody stupid cancer xxxx