Chemo JAN 2017

Wtp I am so sorry you’ve had this news. Like many of us I suspect I looked at the clock at 3.00pm and thought of you. I hope you know we are all sending you massive virtual hugs right now. I know it’s not much consolation but we are here for you. Much love R xxxx

Wtp, so sorry to hear this. That really is sh*t! I think I would be drowning my sorrows and having a damn good cry as well. We’re all here for you.  Take care. Xx

Thank you all so much - don’t know where I would be without my fellow warriors (and Sue from Oct group!). My onc told me that the LCIS and DCIS wouldn’t have responded to the chemo anyway (guess due to rate of division?) but yes, the IDC is the worrying part and I keep thinking back to my onc’s words at my last chemo “don’t think we’ve under treated you in any way - you’ve had A LOT of chemo”. Yet, it hasn’t all been killed off… then again, my tumour was really big… I guess that’s why? Just back to uncertainty and yet another curveball…
I guess I was still carrying a hope that they would give me a pcr after my lumpectomy and that the residual tumour was all dead.
Sue and Jackie (and other ladies who have not had an immediate recon) - how did you feel psychologically after the op? I don’t think I’ve mentally prepared for it. Sounds so trivial in comparison to trying to prolong my life, I know.
Thanks again, your hugs have well and truly helped ? Xxxx

Wtp, I am so, so sorry to hear your news. Your gut feeling was right about the lady’s tone of voice on the phone when she rang you after all, not that that’s any consolation whatsoever.
I have been thinking of you all afternoon and my reaction to reading of your news couldn’t have felt any different if you’d been a real life friend, apart from maybe I’d have joined you in a drink tonight in person! My pathology report post op should be back tomorrow and I’ve bought a bottle of wine for tonight - my first for 6 months - and so will be having a drink with you virtually!
I don’t think your concerns about your body image are trivial at all. I’m slightly ‘asymmetrical’ following my lumpectomy last week and it bothers me and I suspect it will take some getting used to. Sometimes it’s the small things that matter the most.
You sound like you have a great team of people caring for you who are leaving no stone unturned.

So sorry to hear your news Wtp ? that’s just rubbish after everything you’ve been through already.

I’ve actually found the mx to be the easiest part of this whole thing, I was just glad to have it all gone. It healed really well and I’m very pleased with the prosthesis supplied by the hospital, it’s comfortable and you really can’t tell. I’m not thinking of reconstruction at all - quite happy with the way things are at the moment.

Thinking of you xxx


All your January ‘sisters’ are with you on this - I hope you can feel the virtual hugs. We’re all in this together after what we’ve already been through together X

Dear Wtp I was so sorry to hear this news, had been thinking of you all afternoon but wasn’t able to log in until now. It’s s**t news and know it’s not what anyone wanted to hear. But it sounds like your surgeon is going to get you in quickly and sort you out, which is good.
Hoping you manage to sleep tonight and sending you lots of virtual hugs
Egg x

I’m so sorry Wtp, I feel really gutted for you. It sounds like you have a good and decisive team looking after you and as the others have said, hopefully we can be of help and support too, as you have been for many of us in leading the way on looking forward. This bas***d disease kicks out but we wont roll over. 

Sorry to hear your news. Have a good drink rant and a cry. Then come back fighting ??

How are you Wtp?

Wtp - that’s just harsh news to hear. I echo the words/thoughts of all that the other warrior teddies have said. Warmest of hugs, you are in my thoughts. Xx

Hiya warriors

Sorry I have been absent for a week or so. Since finishing radiotherapy I felt I needed a bit of head space away from the c word. But you have all still been in my thoughts. Been catching up on what’s been happening… There is so much to comment on!

Firstly, wtp I am so sorry to read what you have been through. Sending you big hugs and don’t give up, stay strong and you will still win this battle. I agree it’s good to drown your sorrows and have a good cry because sometimes s##t happens.

Egg - well done for finishing chemo, so glad the party is now complete :relaxed:

Jackie - I hope you are doing okay and surviving the heat and the long trips to the hospital. Thank you for my rad grad cert… You are a star ?

I am afraid I can’t remember exactly where everyone is up to… Could still be chemo brain! But everything you all write is interesting and relevant to where I am at on this journey, so thank you.

I am now 2 1/2 weeks post radiotherapy and my skin has gone very dark and is peeling. I am also taking tamoxifen which I seem to be tolerating reasonably well. I do get hot flushes but nothing too severe. The doctors still can’t decide what to give me in conjunction with the tamoxifen, whether to give me biophosphates, zolodex or Ai inhibitors…I am finding it all very confusing and everyone seems to suggest something different.

I am also hoping to get on a new drugs trail which the Marsden hospital is running for pre menopausal women… Which is one of the reasons why I am just on tamoxifen at the moment. My oncologist did mention the ant aspirin trial but felt there were better trails I could go on, but did say there is nothing to stop you taking half an aspirin a day if i wanted to… Though I am not doing so at the moment.

I have shaved my legs twice and the hair on my head is fluffy and way too grey…I used to be a dark brunette!

Suze - I would love to be part of the face book group if you set it up.

Big hugs… Nicky

Thank you all so much!
I met a friend for dinner (and wine!) tonight and was telling her how as much as I absolutely hate this “journey” it has also (cliche alert!!) grown me spiritually in more ways than I’d ever expected. I’ve found support and friendship in the most unexpected places - from you awesome people, colleagues, acquaintances etc and have surprised myself by how much I’ve put up with - I’m sure you must understand ?
I literally had the most surreal moment just now - nearly 8 months after diagnosis, thinking “WTF?!” “Is this actually really happening and how did this happen?”.
I’m 37, married and with one child. I always wanted her to have a sibling but think the menopause well and truly kicked in. I hate that this disease takes away what I thought were my (and my husband’s) choices and things I just plain took for granted - another baby, hair, a boob, my work, some so-called friends, items of clothing & swimsuits etc - some temporary, some permanent.
I think I’ll get to where Jackie is one day as I read her post and thought “you bloody ROCK!” - if I can be half as confident and brave as you then I will be a very happy woman. More importantly, I want my daughter to seenme set such an awesome example.
Apologies for the rambling long post - slightly tipsy after dinner with my friend and feeling very sentimental! Xxxx

Morning - wtp, pls dont apologise for posts i never feel anyone rambles. Xx its what the forum is for. I think the whole blinking thing is surreal, everynown again i get a paralyzing moment when i think about whats happened and especially the what ifs for the future. As time goes on i feel i want to hear more from everyone as you are all so often in my thoughts. So definitely not rambling xx
Blue did your path results come back yesterday? How’s your recovery going?
Love to all xx

Wtp glad you went out with a friend - hope no sore head today! lighthouse I feel the same as you I often look on the thread to see what everyone is up to - now that chemo is over it’s onto the next stage with all the different issues, so it doesn’t feel like it’s ever over!
Quick query - did anyone else have lots of aches and pains once chemo finished? I know it’s only a week since I finished but since then I seem to have developed all sorts of joint aches and am so tired! Maybe steroid withdrawal?
Hugs to all,

Jackie - I think you may have finished radio now? Hope you are not too tired!
Egg x

Wtp glad you went out with a real-life friend - I’m sure all us onlne buddies have been holding you in our thoughts these past couple of days and were helping you drain that bottle in spirit!

Egg - yes to lots of joint pains after chemo and also was the most fatigued I have been at that point. I’ve just had a quick look back at symptoms diary I kept and it took 2 weeks before I saw the word ‘improving’. Hope that helps.


Hi EggG


Unfortunately I haven’t finished rads just yet.

I still have 6 to go (out of 25), but rest assured I’m crossing each day off. :womanvery-happy:

Thank you so much for thinking of me. xxxx

Wtp I don’t think you’re being over sentimental at all. I think you have perfectly summed up in your post how we all feel about the support we get on here. Your words about wanting to be a good strong example for your daughter are very touching and sum up what we all feel. We stay strong for those around us.
Jackie keep going. The end of rads is in sight I thought I would miss the daily routine of it when it ended but I didn’t at all and now it seems a distant memory. Although I still have the sunburn!
What is the add aspirin trial? Is taking aspirin something worth doing?
Hope you all have good weekends. R x

Thanks slowski, I haven’t been organised enough to keep a symptom diary during this but I’m glad you have!
I’ve just had a letter through the post asking me to come for a breast biopsy this week, im not sure why? My surgery is booked for 2nd Aug and I think it’s planned for lumpectomy and node dissection, so not sure why now this as wasn’t mentioned at all when I saw surgeon. And of course it has come on a Saturday so I can’t even phone and ask ?
Wtp I know you had biopsies pre surgery, is it routine?
Egg x