Chemo JAN 2017

Hi…  it’s funny how we are all thinking the same. Touch wood I haven’t had too many side effects. Just feel like I’ve got a hangover crossed with travel sickness. Today I’ve felt good apart from feeling really pissy this evening! And a bit tearful - I think it’s because I’m thinking ok I don’t feel too bad so why do I need to lose my hair!  

Ive also wondered if the chemo is working. I drank so much water afterwards that I thought I’d flushed it all out of me! ?

Hope everyone else is feeling ok. X

Morning all.


Good luck, Jackie for today. Any other starters this morning? 


My main side side effect is still skin related. I have a dry red patches on both breasts, in my navel, on a couple of scars and I’ve had to remove two earrings that were in the cartilage and hadn’t fully healed. I look like a horror film from the neck down, but luckily my face is clear. It’s manageable though with sudocreme (the nappy rash stuff!) Day 12 for me and my scalp is tender, so I’m guessing that hairfall will start pretty soon. 


wtp, would be interested to hear if the days after chemo 2 are very similar to the first round. Keep us in the loop if you can. 


Stefr, not sure if you’re around and reading this, but I hope you’re doing ok. I’ve been thinking of you and I really hope you’ve got someone to talk to.  We’re here if you need us.


Ali x



Thanks Ali.
Bloods done. Seeing oncologist at 10.20
Then full steam ahead.
I have water and plain biscuits, my phone and tablet.
As I’m in Spain and having this privately I have a room to myself.
Would be nice to have others alongside me, but my hubby is with me and can stay as long as it takes.
Good luck and prayers to all other new starters today. :heart::heart::heart:

Good luck this morning Jackie and new starters. Just hang on to the fact that chemo is your friend not your enemy. Makes you feel like cxxp but ito in there fighting for us to have a future with our friends and family.
And yeah we have movement! Not the Armageddon promised, but movement. Think I have avoided hospital admission by the skin of my teeth. Woop woop.! Love and Hugs to all. xxxx​:heart::heart:

I didn’t like to ask, Mooney, but yeeeay.


Al x

Movement is good Mooney.
My hubby is making me some fantastic smoothies with red and dark fruits, green veggies, honey and flaxseed oil.
They are supposed to be cancer fighters, but as a bonus I’m getting my 5 a day, and hopefully helping the movements. Xxx

Hi Wtp2016

I’m doing ok. I had my MRI yesterday (also middle sons 1st birthday ?)

Was okay and will have the results next week when I go for my day 14 bloods…I feel like I know what the outcome of these already as the only reason I was sent forbtge MRI was because of the spots on the liver and the thickening of the hip joint.

I’m really trying not to google…I’ve driven myself to the point of near no return with it.

I’ve had a few very rough days in terms of emotions, I’m 6 weeks post pregnancy and period also arrived this week, ive shed a few tears this week.

Side affects of my first FEC treatment though have been fine…just waiting for the hair to start going…?.

Hope all you ladies are doing good.xx

Good morning Stefr
It is very difficult in your situation with hormones in complete flux after your birth and the stress of diagnosis. However try not ťo think the worst, I had to have MRI for spots on spine which turned out to be not spread of the cancer. Glad that at least the SE’s are manageable.Try and take one day at a time, easier said than done I know in your situation. Again sending you bucketfuls of strength and courage.Love and Hugs

Hi, coud I join in please, been lurking on the thread for a few days now and took the plunge to join. I’ll be having my second session later this month.

Hi Daisy
I’m a newbie too - first chemo yesterday.
Everyone here is so kind and helpful.
Welcome and hugs.

You don’t have to ask, just post. Welcome to the club no-one wants to join. You will find it incredibly supportive! We are here to vent, cry, laugh ask questions, we can talk about things that we don’t necessarily want to worry our partners/family about. There is also lots of really useful practical information. Hugsxx

Just wrote a long reply, then nearly dropped the iPad in the bath and lost it! (I’m so klutzy),


Welcome, both. And Lindie don’t worry too much. I think most people have found the actual chemo is not as bad as we were expecting. And once it’s done, you feel a lot calmer because you know what to expect.


Ali x

Thanks Jackie and Mooney for the warm welcome xx

Thanks ali xx

Welcome Daisy and Lindie and all new people on this thread.  Good luck to all people who are starting chemo next week.


I had a bit of a fatigue day yesterday but apart from that I’m feeling fine now (Day 11, first cycle FEC).  Can someone remind me which are the days in the cycle we are at our lowest immunity wise?  I want to go to the cinema this weekend but am weighing up the risks.


Does anyone else have a slight sore throat as a side effect?  I feel otherwise well.


Hope you all have as good a weekend as possible in circumstances.  Hugs to all.  R x 

Morning chemo buddy! Funny I am the same today and yesterday.Bit tearful today and feel very tired not even dressed yet and have family coming over! I did have bit of a sore throat but think it was more part of a sore mouth thing I have going on. Think our immunity is at its worst now, days 7/8 to about 15/16. Glad you are doing OK. Love and hugs

Thanks Mooney,

It’s so difficult at the moment. I feel like a mother of 4 children and not 3. The other half is not coping very well at the minute and I feel like I’m having to be strong and not let on I’m feeling down as the smallest thing is starting rows. (Lack of sleep from baby doesn’t help either though)

I know I shouldn’t think to much but since the MRI I’ve had persistent dull ache from the hip…it feels like it’s bruised… which of course just makes me read more into it. I will await results though on Wednesday.

I’ve read that immunity is at its lowest between day 7-14 from day 10 onwards being at lowest.

This would be were I’m at now so trying to stay away from busy public places.

Thanks blueash and others.  It shows how different all our hospitals are because I haven’t been asked any of those questions!  In fact I do have contact with a dog - she’s not ours but stays with us regularly.  She slept on my bed keeping me company when I was so poorly after first chemo.  Hopefully, we don’t share same germs, being different species!  I have decided not to risk cinema today.  May go tomorrow if feeling up to it, but our cinema is big and uncrowded so it’s possible to avoid other people (I could wear one of my face masks!).  I haven’t had the gcsf injection.


I’m still a bit confused about vitamins.  I was taking a multivitamin, a vitamin C and a cranberry capsule every day, but I’m a bit hesitant now as you still hear it mentioned vitamins might interfere with chemo.  My hospital said they were fine, but they didn’t seem very definite about it!  But I would like to boost immunity by taking them if possible.


Hello, Mooney, hope things are moving for you today! R x 

Good evening ladies I hope you don’t mind me poking my nose in.
I am from the class of September 2013 I found this form so helpful when I was going through it but I promised myself I would pop in every now and again in future years to help others.

Sorry I’ve forgotten the name but the lady who was in a&e for 4 hours and then made to sign a form saying she’d refused treatment you really do need to bring this to the attention of your team. As a chemo patient you have the ‘golden ticket’ you should be seen within one hour of walking into A&E and ideally you should be put into a room away from the general public. I don’t want to put the fear of god up you but when your immune system is compromised the common cold can be lethal.

To the lady that wanted to know when your immune system is at its lowest it does depend on which drugs you are having. The Mcmillan website is really good for this if you look up your chemo regime it will tell you exactly what you need to know about side-effects and which are your lowest weeks with regards to your immune system.

With regards to taking vitamins the best person to ask is your own oncologist I know that some things should be avoided with certain chemo regimes - I wouldn’t ask the nurse… go to the boss, ask your oncologist.

Best of luck x