Chemo JAN 2017

Me again.
First chemo yesterday and I have spent all today in bed.
I’ve had diarrhoea all day and 2 episodes of non productive vomiting.
I ate for England yesterday and can’t face much today.
Hubby is being a rock and at my beck and call.
Surprised I feel so knocked out but I’m only 5 weeks post radical MX and full node clearance and my scar is still quite sore, so I’m going to sleep when I need to.
Hugs to all. Xxx

Poor you, Jackie.  Try ginger tea which stays down when even water won’t, and if you can bear to eat anything at all, try ginger biscuits and rice puddings.  Hope you’re feeling better soon.  Sleep all you can.  R x

Oh Jackie, that sounds horrible :frowning: have you got anti sickness and steroids to take? My hospital have told me that there should be no need to feel sick and if I do to call them and get more anti sickness or different ones. Did you say you were in Spain? I guess there could be different rules re the drugs you get?

Regarding round 2, I decided not to cold cap and went along much less nervous than I was for round 1 which helped the whole experience this time. It was hard to make the decision re cold cap but having lost al the hair on top it seemed the rest would go and I couldn’t really hide it! Shaved the rest off today which was quite frankly almost a relief - less distressing than the clumps coming away every day. Then bought a wig which I can wear for 2 hours before it gives me a headache - but I love it!! Friend came over and didn’t realise it was a wig until I told him! If you’re in London, try Trendco in Westbourne grove - really sensitive staff and fun trying out different looks!

Re SEs for round 2 - I felt a bit nauseous on the the first night but took an antisickness pill and ate and laid on the sofa and it passed within a couple of hours. Was worried as it was a bit worse than the first round but managed to get off to sleep just fine - only to wake up 3-5am with buzzing steroid brain - had forgetter about that!! No nausea though so I didn’t mind. To be honest, I’ve been hungry, very seldom slight queasiness in the tummy but main SE so far has been more fatigue. Basically any excuse for a nap!! I’m Not feeling bad yet though so fingers crossed. I have got the white blood cell boosting injection that I took today. Last time I started to feel fluey at day 5 so I’ll keep you posted.

Stefr - fingers crossed for your results! Mine was just of the breast area and luckily nothing in other breast. Oncologist said it just showed the tumour and lymph node area as expected. It is horrible waiting on results though - always seem to be waiting for answers that don’t seem conclusive. Totally understand re your other half. We’ve been falling out a lot too and don’t have the natural stress and tiredness that comes in hand with having 2 young babies. We have one 2yo and that is hard enough at times. There’s so much anxiety and stress, tiredness and fear, not to mention the chemo SEs! It is bound to happen but doesn’t make things any easier ?

Hang on in there all of you strong ladies, we can do it!! Xxxx

Hi Robin
Think the whole world knows I have movement now! 9 days without, it was as if a switch turned off my digestive processing. I am still reliant on Cosmicol just seems to be a Chemo thing.
Otherwise as well as can be expected.

Morning all,


Thanks for the update wtp, really helpful. I’ve got round 2 next week so I’m hopeful that my experience won’ differ too much from the first one.


Hope you’re feeling better Jackie.


stefr, I really hope you had an ok weekend. It’s very tough for you and all I can say is hang on in there. But once you get some results on Wednesday, maybe then you can look at some counselling/ support for your OH?


Ok, I have to go to actual work, with meetings and everything. Just hoping my hair doesn’t decide to chosse today (day 15) to give up.


Take care all. Not sure if we have any starters today?


Ali x


I’m on Day 13 of first cycle of FEC and definitely noticed more hair coming away in the shower this morning.  Oh well.  It was expected I suppose.


Good luck to all of us and all new starters this week.


I hope you don’t mind if I go a little off topic here and share something with you all.  A friend of mine went into hospital just after Christmas with pneumonia and other complications.  She and I were messaging each other when I had my bad reaction to first FEC, sending each other lots of support and encouragement.  Well, she died in hospital yesterday morning of a heart attack.  It was such a terrible shock as, although we all knew she was seriously ill, she was only 39 and, prior to this, fit, healthy and strong (I thought).  I don’t want to be a downer on everyone’s already stressful time, and I’m not looking for lots of messages of sympathy.  I suppose I just felt the need to share it as it made me realise how totally unexpected life can be, and how these awful random events can take anyone at any time.  Sorry.  Not very cheering, I know.


Thinking of you all, and hoping today is a good one for everyone.  R x   

Oh, Robin. That’s a horrible thing to happen. I know you weren’t asking for sympathy, but I really feel for you.


One unexpected outcome of having breast cancer, and being on this forum, is that I spend a lot of time counting my blessings.




Ali x

So sorry Chemo buddy :frowning: .I think the thing about this forum is it does make you realise the fragility of life, and that there is always someone worse off than you. Sometimes it helps to think of reasons to be thankful because when you are in the cancer bubble it’s easy to focus all on the negative.
Love and special hugs.xxxx

Thinking of you and those close to your friend. What a **bleep**ty unfair thing to happen. With love Emma x

Day 16 and my hair is falling out in handfuls. I’m strangely relieved as it had become a bit of a daily obsession.


I hope everyone is ok and has a good day.


Ali x

I know what you mean about it coming obsessive - I’m day 13 and it seems to be constantly on my mind.  Did your scalp feel different before Ali or did it just start falling out?

Id had some soreness around my PICC line but got it checked today and all is ok…

hope everyone else is ok. 

Hi Everyone


This is my first post, I had my first FEC cycle last Saturday. Overall, i am doing okay. Feeling a bit sickly quite a lot of the time and tired. Also, seem to be quite weepy, not really bought  on by anything in particular…maybe it is the steriods? Need to learn to hold it together on the school run!


It is reassuring hearing your stories and knowing that others have an idea of how you are feeling.


Good luck to everyone!



Welcome Nicky, I had my first FEC last week too. Off to get port fitted this week.


Ladies remember that this is apparently the gloomiest few days of the year, so when you factor in the challenges everyone on here has in addition, you are all amazing !

Hi Ali
I’m only day 5 and continually checking.?
Been a little better today after a very restless night with intermittent joint pains.
Still feeling totally wiped out and not really wanting to eat, but I’ve managed 6 small biscuits, two small, cold jacket potatoes from last night, and some tinned peaches.
Highly nutritious.
Venn going crazy checking my temp all day as I have a cold…still under the magic 38, so fingers crossed it will normalise when the cold goes away.
Hugs to all. :heart::heart::heart:

Hi Nicky, welcome to the thread. I’m pretty sure that the emotional ups and downs are worst early on. In my case it’s because everything feels so out of control.

Jackie, glad you’re feeling a bit better. Mmmmm tinned peaches (*adds them to increasingly odd shopping list*).

Esther, I had a very sore scalp from day 9-12, after that it’s been just a bit sore. I was wondering if it was going to hang on. Anyway I worked yesterday and was paranoid about it falling out in the meeting, but it didn’t. This morning I was working from home (ie drinking coffee and listening to Woman’s Hour), put my hand up to run it through my hair & literally pulled a handful out. I couldn’t leave it alone and it was clearly mostly coming out. So Chris has just clipped it all off for me (grade 2 buzz cut). My hair is (was) really thick, and I couldn’t face it moulting all over the house.

Couple of thoughts. It feels strangely liberating. I’ve never had very short hair, but can’t believe how much time I’ll save. Secondly, I’m no Sinead O’Connor c1990, but it doesn’t look bad. Different but not awful. Obviously I’m not completely bald yet, though the sides are there, and I’ve still got eyebrows/lashes, but even so…

So yes, we are all amazing and it’s great to have you guys to share this with

Ali xxx

I just wanted to say that you ladies who are continuing to work and/or have children are just amazing.
Maybe it’s my age (nearly 65) or I’m just a wimp, but all I’ve done is cuddle my duvet.
I need to kick myself up the backside and man up!

I’m really not amazing. Just lucky so far with side effects and self-employed, so very keen to keep the money coming in. Also I have a house husband which helps as he does everything domestic.

Agree though, those of you with children are bloody marvels

Ali x

Agree, all you ladies who cope with work children etc as well as emotions and side effects of chemo are amazing.
Welcome to Nicky this is a wonderful place to share and you know people will understand.
Glad yout are feeling a bit better Jackie.
Ali my scalp is sore and itchy. So i think I too am about to start losing my hair. I know what you mean about being obsessive. I keep looking and tugging! I have bought wigs etc, I am impressed that
you are so resigned about it. Although I pretend to be nonchalant about it, I think when it finally happens I will be emotionaI I love my hair.?as I am sure everyone does.
Love and hugs to everyone. And good luck this week.

Ali quite amazing that one day it’s there and then the next it just starts falling out!  My head is itchy -  I shall just wait for the inevitable and hopefully embrace it (probably after a good cry!)


Jackie - duvet cuddling is good. I’m not working through my treatment - I work as a critical illnesss claims assessor so I speak with people like us who have critical illness insurance policies. I don’t feel able to cope with work at the moment - that’s one to deal with a bit later on in my cancer journey.


welcome Nicky. I hope your cold passes soon.


Esther x

Thank you CS 66. That is fantastic to hear and I am so glad you are the other side and feeling well. Gives us all hope and courage.
Love and hugs