chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

well done Tricia glad they gave you some better stuff this time, what was it called? We might all need it!
Hope everyone who had their doses this last week are much better soon. Do you all feel worse when you are ill at the weekend? It bugs me that my yuk bit is always Friday to Monday, so when I ping out of it on Tuesday morning (fingers crossed no longer) they are all back at work again. I had a crazy week and was surprised that it has gone slower than usual, not what usually happens to me. Monday I had totally overbooked and ran around all day seeing people, Tuesday I went to the make up day, Wednesday I took my Mum out for a trip and saw a friend in the afternoon, Thursday I went out for the day with my eldest daughter shopping and lunch then dinner in the evening, Friday we all went to the zoo with my Grandson. It was really nice to go out in term time as the shops, zoo, etc were very quiet. Trying to catch up with the washing today as my son is going on a 3 day pre-6th form trip. I will really miss him as it coincides with my treatment and he is my buddy through these days. Not much good for breakfast as he gets up at lunch time but he is brilliant at watching films with me when I can’t sleep and carries my pillows up and down stairs. He is the only one of my 4 at home so a male dominated house with my hubby and even the dog male! I had years of a really girly house when my 3 girls were at home and they do chat so much more and remember to make you a drink or talk about hair. Wish I could zoom back a few years and do them all again.
Gone all philosophical again sorry must be pre-chemo talk for Tuesday. I keep thinking if I only had 6 doses I would be half way through after tomorrow. But being on an 8 doser will have to wait for that big day.
Love to you all, we all seem to have been a litlle less chirpy, anyone want to have a bit of fun with the geristalker, I’ll send him your way, newly shaven with no egg on his tanktop.
Lily x

Hi Lily: Good luck for tomorrow, will be waiting to hear how it goes as I get my third mext week. OH has bloody cold - told him to sleep in dog basket and I would cuddle the dog but that didn’t work. Have bit of sore throat but the Difflam seems to be keeping that at bay, hope it doesn’t get any worse, don’t really want to delay next lot.

Hear from you soon.

love to all


Heya Ladies.

Hope you’re all hanging in there. AM busy helping OH get ready for exhibition. Mum sent me a remedy for the old ulcers which worked nicely so aren’t suffering so badly (just had crunchy cereal yum). Think I just had the dark days, was a miserable wreck on Friday but have perked up now.

Anyway lots of love to you all. This week is so eventful for me… tomorrow OH’s frist photographic exhibition starts, Wed Nadir bloods, Friday 6 months checkup with surgeon, sat big website launches… Oh hell this is going to be intense…

I will be at the exhibition even though it will be day 9! Antibac’d to the hilt.

Right walk dog.

Hope the next dose goes well Lily.

Nicky, if you have problems with mouth ulcers talk to homeopath about Merc Sol, Wow. Took at 3 am and gone by 9am! I know its fast but Wow.

hya everyone i am starting my chemo end of july just been told my cancer was hormone stage 3 aggressive and all my cancer has now gone im not looking forward to my chemo at all i just made an appointment to have a wig fitting my treatment is epi-cmf does the effects of sickness come on all of a sudden and do you always feel sick but never sick with the anti sickness drugs i hate feeling sick and not being able to be sick its the worst feeling ever hope you alll understand what i mean


Hi Jackie

I’ve been very lucky as the anti sickness drugs have worked nearly perfectly for me, even if you do suffer nausea at first they have different drugs and can switch you to them so it really will depend on how you react to them.

But it’s worth it in the long run and manageable. I know I’ve got of lightly (hopefully you will too) but I used to suffer nausea terribly for about a decade so I know what you mean about not being able to be sick. There are lots of tips here. Do read the Top tips for chemo thread (I’ll bump that up for you in a moment) but essentially people have found things like ginger biscuits help.

I personally swear by never letting the stomach get too empty. Here’s why (guess who’s been reading too much on how chemo works :wink:

The drugs kill fast reproducing cells, I understand that this includes stomach lining. Normally your stomach is acidic anyway to digest stuff. By eating little and often you don’t ask the stomach to deal with too much at once and you don’t have that horrible empty feeling that precedes nausea.

I’ve nibbled on rich tea biscuits etc when I’ve felt gurgly and nausea coming and I did have a proper breakfast before my first FEC which served me well.

I would certainly make sure you have something in your stomach before they give you the drugs and drinking lots of water helps massively. I didn’t drink as much the second time and did feel worse for it.

But however you react we’re here, tell us what you’re feeling and someone will have been there and done that and have some suggestions for you so I’d try and enjoy the start of july with the certain knowledge that you will cope with it and it’s really not worth wasting a good summer month worrying about. I promise.

Oh I should also say that I am proof that being someone who gets sick easily normally doesn’t mean the chemo will affect you in that way.

Hi Angie

Good to hear from you and that you’re on the up. What a busy week! Hope all goes well and you keep the lurgies at bay - just squirt the anti-bact in all directions!

Thanks for the tip about Merc Sol - although I’ve been OK and not had mouth ulcers (so far) my hubby and daughter are prone to them so I’ll check the old homeopathic stash and see if I have any. If not will try to get some - I could well be a hero if I sort their problems out.

I’m still in the grot phase so hoping to pull up in a day or so - usually happens, fingers crossed it’s the same this time as well.

Take care and enjoy the nice weather and the good times.

Nicky xx

Hi Jackie: I have same cancer as you, I was diagnosed in Feb, op in March, started chemo end May, due for third Epi next Tuesday.

I have been v. lucky and no nausea or sickness - I have taken pills which obviously worked for me. I have also worked full time all the way thru - dead easy job, no stress!!! - which concentrates the mind. Biggest problem - Hair - gone apart from staggly bits. Have two wigs - get the best you can find - look at the Raquel Welch’s on Wigs and Pieces web site - you will pay about £55 NHS pays rest. Have bits of sore throat from time to time - Difflam helps with that - and had one tiny mouth ulcer this weekend. Zapped with Mum’s old remedy - bicarbonate of soda - dip wet finger into bicarb, apply to ulcer - hurts like hell but gets rid of it.

Although I’ve done very well, am not kidding myself it is all going to be like this, just take each bit as it comes along and hope for the best.

To make yourself laugh, track down the “one liners” on here - will find a bump up for you.

good luck and keep well.


Jackie: One liners on Newly Diagnosed section


Julia… here’s a thought. What if it gets easier? Just occurred to me we’re all preparing for it to get worse. I was prepared for nausea, vomiting, not being able to go for a walk etc and have been fine so far. Am expecting it to get worse too but what if it doesn’t.

I can dream :slight_smile:

Vertangie: as they say - hold that dream! We’ll keep in touch and compare notes!!



Perhaps you’re right! Maybe it does get easier! I was sick for 5 days last time and only once and a wee bit queasy this time. Positive thinking might do it for us eh?

thanx to everyone you are a big help will let you know how i get on when i start


My chemo nurse said that there was one lady who would get nauseas as soon as she saw the blue nurses top that they wear.
That has to be psychosomatic doesn’t it?

If so maybe we can convince our phsyches that it’s not a big deal and it won’t be. I am seriously wondering if that’s part of it a bit because I know I’ve dealt with being sick all the time before so knew I could again… so I’m not!

I wonder.

hi there everyone

i know what you mean about the anxiety about the nausea, i was dreading that, but somehow we do get through. and i changed my medication after difficulties with the first cycle. i am on one called emend now and it really does help. i have to take one an hour before chemo, and just one every day for 3 days. i couldnt eat before, but thats one thing they havnt stopped unfortunetly,.(now i can eat and not be sick)
but for some reason i felt sick before they give me the last one. it must have been the sight of those uniforms. but we have no choice do we, so onward we plod.
and like someone said how do we know its going to happen each time. are bodies really do have a mind of their own.

keep smiling girls, and enjoy the good days. this experience certainly makes you make the most of each day.

Hiya All
Glad doing okay. Vertangie - good luck with the exhibition!

Lily - good luck with number 3 today.

I have bad back again but sure its always the day before chemo so might be nerves

Good Luck Lily and for Lisa tomorrow.

Hope it all goes well and recovery is quick. Can’t say I’m enjoying myself at the moment but hope to come out of the abyss tomorrow.

Also take care and good luck to any ladies on treatment this week.

Nicky xx

ps - Lorraine - I know what you mean about feeling nauseous with just the thought of hospital. I can’t bear to think about it during these grotty post chemo days but luckily seem to forget once I get there (like childbirth I suppose!) In fact had quite a laugh on the ward last Thurs, very lively nurses!

Well I did it. I went out on the night of day 9 and met and greeted almost 100 people I reckon at Tommy’s exhibition. It was much fun to see so many people and cress up. I wore a chinese silk top (the cheongsam traditional style with the mandarin collar) which was black with a primary red pheonix down it, Naturally you can’t wear something that bold with a pale face so the whole marilyn monroe red lips and eye liner came out along with a buff worn like a pirate cap. Tommy then points out that I look like the pirate king (Keira Knightley. I wish) but the whole chinese with pirate hat, yep he had a point.

But anyway saw lots of people, laughed a lot (good for the old neut level which is being taken in the AM, assuming the bucks fizz doesn’t water the blood down too much :wink:

Oh and he sold quite a few pics. One of which was taken not long after I was dx which is a ray of light breaking through the clouds and it’s called darkest hour because it was when we were waiting for the results. It feels so long ago now, 6 month checkup this week so I guess it was!

wow what a year, what a life. And I’m not complaining. This is another of those memories I shall use to punctuate the year. It’s not all bad at all.

Anyway I’ve winged enough here thought I’d share a little of the good times.

Tommy should have a write up in the cumberland news too soon which is cool.

I hope you don’t mind me jumping in and throwing a few lines down. My wife (Sally) started her Chemo today (TAC). Things did not go as we had hoped, unfortunatley although the A & C were a success she had an allergic reaction the T which caused her to go into anyphalactic shock. They had to inject her with adrenelin to sort her out and stop the treatment. She is now spending the night in hospital as precautionary measure. I have come home, but did not want to leave her on her own as I feel so helples notv being able to do anything.

I do not write this to put anyone of far from it, but to asy how proud I am of my wife/my best friend and all of those who are on this site in the same position, I think you are all unbelievable.

I am distraught as I want to do so much but feel as if I can do nothing but sit back and watch as she goes through all of this pain and agony. I am so proud of her and love her so much and just want her to know that I am there for her everyday and to tell her to keep going and she will be this. I LOVE YOU SALLY SO MUCH MATE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX