chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Does anyone else think Nicky is sex mad at the moment? I reckon her neuts must be sky high with all this talk of enjoying Indians, me frollicking with the tank top terror and my final piece of evidence, she is going to Brighton!! AND she has French romantic types in her house. Case proven!!! You go girl and enjoy!
Carrieann hope it goes smoothly tomorrow and another one ticked off, well done. Hope the veins are not so bad this time too. Angie loved the scientific bit, always loved science lessons, just need to learn to like brocolli now. My daughter read that not only does it help prevent cancer but actually fights it and is intent on getting me eating it. I REALLY HATE IT!!!
Well I am supposed to be going to a year 11 prom tomorrow night, do you think anyone will notice my monks bald patch, my steroid induced weight gain, my labrador tongue breath or my 4 zorro type scars across my chest. No chance!! Def get away with it!!!
Hugs to you all
Lily x

Hey Lily enjoy the prom they won’t notice sh** they;re teenagers :wink:

as for brocolli have you tried it raw, or just heated much nicer, peppery and crunchy.
can’t type must sleep…

as we geeks say…afk (away from keyboard)

NN (night night)

NIcky applied hypercal cream 10 mins ago to arm. it’s working

Morning ladies

Angie - my very own on tap homeopath - will try hypercal cream - thanks for the tip. Also I had read from a link on here about the different actions for F E and C but couldn’t remember so now I can dazzle everyone with my (your) knowledge!

Lily - you must be mad :wink: I certainly don’t feel very sexy atm - maybe it’s the monk hairstyle giving me a monk’s way of life LOL However who knows! Enjoy your prom, as Angie says the teenagers won’t notice a thing, they’ll just be seeing who they can get with!

As to broccoli - I love it! Which is more than can be said for watercress which is also meant to be a very strong anti cancer vegetable - definitely can’t stand that!

Just to let you all know about the continued trip through southern England. Windsor Castle yesterday. Luckily not as wet as Sunday but very windy and felt like Autumn to us hardened British gals, I think the poor Toulouse chap will have frostbite before the week is out! Nice and easy day today with just local trips to supermarket and shopping centre. The 2nd bit whilst I go back to my favourite place in the world, hospital, for a CT scan and and ultrasound to see what the FEC is doing (do you like my choice of words? ha ha)

Take care lovely ladies, especially Julia.

Nicky xx

Morning Ladies.

Well Wowee my mums brilliant, started on the tissue salts and hypercal cream last night and the pain in 95% gone already. It’s possibly worth trying the cream on it’s own but I’m glad she reminded me about the tissue salts. These are the 12 minerals that the body contains. It may sound grim but when a human body is cremated these are the elements that are left and she reckons we’re all short of it, especially those of us being bombarded with drugs like epi LOL.

Hope Julia’s dose is going well and is uneventful. 3rd for me next monday. I’m actually looking forward to it… half way point.

It’s so boring repeating the same 3 weeks over and over though. I know I’m getting off lightly. I find those of you who are suffering all the side effects nothing short of amazing. I won’t say brave because we have to do this but to cope like you are… amazing.

Nicky hope the scan indicates the little b***ers are retreating and dying nice and quickly… slaughter them remorselessly I say :slight_smile:

Hi Ladies

I thought I’d share some good news with all of you who have been supporting me so far. I’ve had a good day apart from the barium meal and no eating for 4 hours before my CT scan! As you may be aware I’ve got secondaries on my hip and this was discovered after they found a new lump in the same breast as before. I’m having chemo to kick start the whole shrinkage thing with hormones and didn’t necessarily need it as part of my treatment plan. I’m half way through chemo so I was having the scans to see what’s happening. I asked the radiologist what she’d seen and my lump has shrunk by over 50% so I’m sooo pleased that all this cr*p treatment is working. I know it’s too early to say what will happen by the end of chemo and when I go onto hormone therapy but so far so good. I wanted to share this with you to give you all a boost when you’re feeling low during chemo. If it’s shrinking a lump just imagine what it’s doing to any single cells out there - slaughtering them remorsefully I can now confirm!

To brighten my day even more I was complemented on my ‘hair’ by a BCN and had to tell her it was a wig and the radiologist commented on how well I looked, so I’d say that’s a good day overall :slight_smile: Don’t know if the same comments will be so forthcoming after another 3 FEC and a rattier wig but we’re looking good so far.

So chin up all of you - you’re all doing the right thing.

Nicky xx

I am so so pleased for you I am nearly blubbing typing this and yes I am def getting a big boost from it, thank you. You really deserve this change of fortune and long may it last. I bet even the rain can’t bother you now! I am leaving a gap now for mundane stuff of less importance.

Oh dear what was the CT scan like I have to have one next week because they lost my appointment or something. They have picked my best week after me telling the research nurse that I would puke all over the dept on a good day, let alone shortly after chemo. I don’t think it is going to go down. Was it an injection too, the info talks about so many types my brain (if it is still there) lost the gist of it? Not happy that it is equivalent to 3 years radiation though, as it is supposed to be routine. Mine says don’t eat 2 hours before but then you have a wait? Tell me the worst so I am prepared for it and do you do white pooos afterwards? I really gag with anything medicinal, should be a scream!!! Me screaming. Incidentally you don’t actually need contrast, apparently only idiots need it to distinguish between body parts like the liver and lymph glands. My onc on hearing me say this, chortled and said he has unfortunately no authority to tell them how to operate their dept. Said it all.
Wooooeeee, off to the prom, will have a sing for you Nicky in my stretchy hairband. LOL. Will not chance eating anything except crisps.
hugs to our friends here on a low spell or just had treatment. Lisa where are you twinny, hope you just forgot your laptop and have not had too tough a time. The mouth is really bad for me this time. It feels like it will suffocate me at the back at times.
Hugs to all, especially our champ The Stig
Lily x x x

Woohoo Nicky. That’s so great to hear, you must be chuffed. I was told that effects are accumulative. I know I’ve only had 2 but my veins confirm this so who knows it’s possible that another 3 fec will clear it altogether…

I wonder if the CT would show up dead cells too? I ones that have been killed by the fec that the body hasn’t broken down yet? But either way hurrah for progress.

Hopefully this will make Julia smile which I expect she’ll be needing around now.

Hope everyone else is doing great.
Everyday hope you’ve got good weather for the rest your good week.
Lily enjoy the prom.
List you doing OK?
And has anyone seen Tricia?

hi there everyone

so hard to reply to you all, i have trouble remembering who wrote what. but i just hope youre all managing well.


it does sound like we have similiar diagnoses, but i am not having anything for strengthening bones at moment. and i think your treatment was changing after the 3 fec wasnt it? i am still having more fec up to now. its strange how different onc, go for different treatment. i think my onc will be quite understanding about weight gain, he seemed quite understanding last time, and warned me about side effects and said 2 + 3 are difficult ones. i have secondaries in ribs and shoulders mainly., but i am so glad yours have shrunk, wow. did you dread the scan, i will. i remember how crappy i felt last time after the dye, and the nurses werent very friendly on that department. just talked to each other as though you were invisible. but still at least having the scan tells you how things are going.

anyway everyone take care. one day at a time.

might not get chance to reply for a few days , computer is acting up a bit.
love lorraine x

Im back, hows you all doing? Soz disappeared and couldnt be bothered lifting lap top, coming round a little, but boy is it hard to stay positive when feel crappy, just keep getting scared but hey hoy. How’s everyone doing? going back into work tomorrow, got of my butt today and had a clear out, down side is not much clothes left so feel a shop coming on.

Lily soz about your MiL, hope anniversary went well.

Cant remember much at mo but hope everyone doing as well as can be! off to bed soon after some water to try and rid the yak taste in mouth

Hi Lily

The CT scan is mainly horrible for the yukky stuff (barium meal) you have to drink. I was told not to have any food and drink for 4 hours before - very difficult so stuffed myself with an almond croissant 4 hours to the dot before to keep me going until 1.15. You then turn up for the appt and I was asked what flavour I wanted to drink - believe me they do not taste like their description! You are give 1 litre - I think - and have to drink all except 200ml in 45 mins so take a book or something to do. You are called in, strip to waist, gown on and given a contrast injection - you should be OK as they will use you port (porth?) but they couldn’t get my vein yesterday so a fair amount of wild stabbing in the dark but surprisingly no bruises today. You then lie down on the ‘bed’ with you trousers round you knees (making sure no metal is in the way I suppose). The scanner is a round doughnut that you pass through. The dye is injected remotely as they all run out of the room and it can feel very warm down below like you’ve wet yourself! Also a metallic taste might occur (yes, another one). You pass through a couple of times and have to take a deep breath and hold it whilst you do. They let you lie for a while after in case of any reactions but after that you’re free to go an eat and drink - hooray. Not sure if the poo was white or anything but very windy after - great just like post chemo! I assume I’m glowing now as I’ve had 2 CT scans in 3 months and assume I’ll have another at the end of treatment. If they come back with good news I don’t suppose I care, unlike the 1st one that delivered the bad news.
Hope the prom went well and you didn’t disgrace yourself :wink:


I’ve still got 3 FEC to go so this was a mid point check. As I’ve said to Lily I think I will have another set of scans at the end to set the benchmark for hormone therapy which is the post chemo option, Femara (if I’m post menopausal after the chemo, with Zoladex if I’m not - but that’'s another story as I will want them to whip out my ovaries if I’m still pre menopausal) plus biphosphonates. The staff were actually really nice and I threatened to punch the young male nurse (or whatever he was) when he said his veins were fine :wink: we also had to stop laughing to get the vein.

Anyway, all take care, I must dash now as the whirlwind tour of England moves to London today.

Nicky xx

Hi all: Nicky - what great news you must be so chuffed, as we are all for you. Keep going!

Lily: Hope the prom was good. Thought on brocolli - wasn’t that what George Bush 1st hated? You really don’t want to go along with what he thought do you?

Thanks for your good thoughts for yesterday, I’m sure I felt the vibes!! Had different nurse yesterdday - ex QE Hospital, B’ham - specialist oncology and heamatology (spelling??) - and she gave steriods AFTER epi saying that the steriods would clean out the epi and soften the vein. She had to use my surgery arm as left was inflamed but my Prof says thats OK (Grieves at Coventry). So far am OK as previously, but I don’t take anything for granted. Have appointement with Prof on 21 July and have list of queries - such as why do they not have any staff who have had this bloody disease? Only the volunteers who do the tea seem to have been there. Also, why bombard you with info when you brain isn’t working and you are still in shock from diagnosis. Most of what they told me went straight over my head and I get sick of asking What? and being told we discussed it before!! Oh I am a miserable cow.

Vertangie: Like the idea of tissue salts, I used to take them for nails and hair, do you need special ones for the veins or will any type do? Will have a look in health food shop tomorrow when I am back to work, and also chase down the hypercal cream, cortisone not making much difference.

Was going to garden today and take dog for walk but monsoon outside has put paid to that, will chuck out wardrobe rubbish - did I really buy that?? and just slob out instead!

Good luck to all on treatment this week, try to find some laughs - it is good for you.



Heya Ladies.

Just a quick drop by to see how you’re all doing. Glad it went well J.

Hypercal cream worked a bit, but as I got moving pain came back. now alternating, doing arnica cream when I get up and hypercal at night so my body can do some healing while I sleep. Seems to be working.

The tissue salts are all 12 but they’re the homeopathic of tissue salts rather than the salts themselves, not sure where you could get them as mum got them made up for me at Helios (I think on the basis that her baby’s gonna need some healin’ after this).

Anyway have a good night, back to work for me, frantic computers today. currently juggling 6… with my chemo brain… must be mad.


hi nicky 08

been to hospital today,seen oncologist. i have another 3 fec and then he talked about 4 of something else, couldnt understand what he said, but will ask more near the time. i felt quiet sick today just at the thought of going hospital, i never used to be like that. dont know what i will feel like tommorow, but needs must.

i will have a scan at the end he said which im glad of ,couldnt do with that now as well.
going sisters for a few nights after chemo, so take care and you will be in my thoughts

keep smiling everyone and remember one day at a time.
love lorraine x

Oh I am so not looking forward to the CT scan. I think the trousers down to my knees and wondering where I would hide all the flesh was my biggest worry to be honest. If I could move some body parts around I would be reasonably acceptable, at a quick glance on a dark night, across the street (no comments). When I went to the prom my stomach was so bloated, I had to try to make my chest look bigger than it. So I tried to wear my pre BC bras that push everything up and in to create cleavage. I thought I would die on the spot! With 4 surgical wounds and the port buried in a hole in my chest, it was rather pushing it! Settled for looking cuddly! Quite pleased that the dress from Wallis in black and white flowers on a net over black actually looked like it was meant to go with a large black stretchy hairband! LOL LOL.Had a great time, left at 9.30 after eating everyone’s sausage rolls and within 30 mins of getting home had the violent trots all night. Really painful and shivering like it was the winter. It is gone today, I waited hours before ringing my research nurse so I could say I was so much better and had not been ill for hours. So once again escaped getting called in for blood tests. Cannot imagine how it would have gone if I had not come home early! Stuck in the toilet with both barrels firing loudly and 80 16 year old girls outside the door doing make up!!! I had a good laugh about that.
Lorraine have you just found out that you have the extra ones? I think it would be TAX or TAC possibly from reading other threads. I know how you must feel, as I am cheesed off with having to go 12 times in total. If I was on FEC I would be half way through but no I have 9 to go, more than some start with. So I will be around for quite some time doing this to keep you company. Thinking of you tomorrow and hope all goes smoothly and maybe a bit better this time I hope. Keep us posted how you are. Nicky how is the tour going? It must be costing you a fortune visiting everywhere, look after yourself too, watch those neuts. Angie good luck with veins, I hear that with massaging, little and often is better than a lot occasionally. Carrieann, one of the others talks about your onc, so there are a number of others at the same unit as you. You go ask those questions. At mine, there are loads who have had BC themself, although you cannot really put it in the job description!!! Must just be chance
Love to you all and lets hope for some sun
Lily x

Hi Lisa,
what are you scared about? Is it just a tough time or can we help in anyway? How was no3 for you? I felt ill through the day after they missed the b port again and stabbed me. I was really close to chucking the cold cap and running out at the end, good job I had someone calm with me. Someone had an emergency and all the chemo went into their chest as the needle came out the port, so it was emergencies just as I was leaving. Poor lady had to have steroid injections all over but still ended up being admitted. If that had happened before I would have just kept walking straight past that door. It is so easy to lose your bottle with all this and you have more to cope with than me. Have had the trots all last night, really hurting and the mouth is taking too long to go.I think you see the onc between changing drugs. I get epi 4 on 22 July then see him before startin CMF. On that I have to go for 2 doses a week apart in each 4 weeks so will go out of step with you I think. I have no idea how I will get there for the second one unless it is seriously better than this. Already thinking of stopping a bit early but know I will regret this as will have to start all over again if it comes back. I think it is really scary changing drugs, don’t you. better the devil I know.
People say epi 3 hits you hard and makes you think a lot. I guess it did that so we better go out there and have a good time before we go back and we will be half way. Did you think we would ever say that? Did you hit the shops? Sales are looking good. I think some retail therapy might cheer me up except need to save money for when my wages drop.
Speak to you soon, hugs
Lily x

Good Luck today Lorraine, hope all goes well and it’s not as bad recovering as last time. I’ll be thinking of you and will in the same boat next Thurs. I know exactly what you mean about feeling sick just at the thought of hospital. I always seem to be there over lunchtime and I don’t like the look of the sandwiches they bring round so take something to eat for myself. I’m really struggling to find something nice to take that won’t make me associate it with the chemo session but also know if I don’t eat I’ll feel worse. The threads on here about not having your favourite foods is so right as the different sandwiches I’ve taken in so far now have a that association with them. Try and think that with this one over it’s only 2 FEC to go and then hopefully what follows is not so bad. Take care.

Lily - glad prom went well but sorry to hear about the after effects of the sausage rolls, not what the doctor ordered. Sounds like you put all the girls to shame, cleavage and all! The Grand Tour is going well but I’ll be so glad when it’s over. The rain has ben such a pain and it has cost more money as we have to do the ‘inside’ things such as palaces, Tower of London etc just to keep dry. I had in mind a nice trip to an English seaside town but not much point when it’s so bl**dy wet! A quieter day today with an introduction to cricket! That’s if the ground is dry enough but it’s a benefit match that Hants CC are playing near to us so I’m assuming they’ll at least start it. Can’t say it’s exciting me to go but it’s something to do and he can then meet his next family who live next to the ground - which will also give me a bit of a break. One of the worst things is wearing my wig all day as I don’t want to shock him or have him think I’m ill. I am getting used to it but I’ll be glad next week to go back to more comfortable head gear when I’m not out and about.
As to the CT scan don’t panic about the ‘body exposure’ bit you will have a long hospital gown on to cover up with, just make sure you’re not flashing anything out the back LOL. I can’t actually imagine having the next lot of chemo that you will have. I’m assuming it is a type that is ‘doable’ at 2 per week but can’t say it takes my fancy. I have seen your thread about stopping but didn’t add to it as I really don’t know what I’d do in the circumstances. We will be upping the support at that point, probably to 24/7 :wink: so don’t worry about that bit, we’ll hopefully will you through it.

Lisa, take care and hope you are feeling better each day and remember that it does lift after a few days. I always feel low just after chemo with all sorts of things going through my head but try to stay positive and have a good moan on here if you need to, that’s what we’re all here for.

Julia - you’re doing so well, long may it continue. Not sure I could sort anything out a few days after chemo - can’t even get my brain to work at that stage! Hopefully the weather is better today so you can drag the dog out :wink:

Take care

Nicky xx

Hi Everyone
Lily - Apart from the side effects of the sausage roll, glad the prom went well. My son has just had is prom so looking forward to seeing the photo’s. It is not often i can get good photos of my 16 year old dressed up and looking dandy!!!
Lorraine - Good luck with hospital. let us know how you got on.
Lisa - hope you feel better soon.
Julia - I miss having a dog and would love to get another one. With working full time it wouldn’t be fair on the dog. I don’t think the cat would appreciate me putting a lead on him and taken him for a walk!!!
To eveyone else keep smiling and my thoughts are with all of you :slight_smile:

I have just started to feel better. The 3rd cycle as hit me the hardest and as took me longer to feel human again. I am now feeling alot better and hoping to get out this weekend and maybe do some retail therapy…always helps:-) My boss is coming to see me tomorrow, also with someone from HR. Going to chat about work and how to claim Statuory Sick Pay. I don’t no why but i am feeling nervous about it.

Hope you all have a good weekend

Kirsty xx

Hi everyone,

have been reading through everyone’s experiences which has helped a great deal to be prepared but must admit feel pretty scared as I start chemo next wednesday I am terrified of feeling sick as I absolutely hate that feeling (who doesn’t?) and I am still feeling uncomfortable from the surgery as if I have hard padding under my arm and by my boob so I am walking around with my arm stuck out like a chicken wing most attractive! I was interested to read about tissue salts and hypercal cream? what exactly are these for and where would I get them? o.k. I know I sound like a novice but I am. Should I ask for the anti-sickness tablets or are they automatically given out? and is there anything I can do to help my body like drinking gallons of water? (I would prefer wine) or wearing certain clothing, I picked up on wearing socks, to make myself feel more comfortable?



Hey Bevy.

They’ll give you the anti-sickness pills, you won’t need to ask. They’ll probably give you more than you need.

The cream and tissue salts are both homeopathic. You can get the cream at any good health food shop. I’d get arnica cream and hypercal cream. They both just help with healing really, arnica’s for bruising and hypercal for general healing ie cuts and grazes. I wouldn’t recommend taking the tissue salts without seeing a proper homeopath as that is something you take internally, you might not need them that much either.

Do drink heaps of water before and after… it really helps. What chemo course are you on? eg Fec?

Have a read of the top tips thread… going to bump that up for you now Everything a gal or boy needs to know to be ready is in there.