That is great news about the lumps reducing in size after 3 FEC. I hope the same for me too. I had 3 lumps the biggest is 3.5 cm and I had my 1st FEC last Wednesday. My 2nd chemo (2nd FEC) will be on 17th Oct. Can’t wait to get that out of the way too.

It’s good to hear some good news such as yours - did you feel that the lumps has reduced in sized yourself or did you have to get it measured. After how many chemo, did you realise that your lumps has reduced?

Hi Lesley,

I just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow. I’m having mine at 10.30 and I know you’re in at 10 so I will certainly be thinking of you. I also had a look round the chemo unit prior to my first session and it really helped. The unit was nowhere near as scary and depressing as I had imagined it to be!

I really hope all goes well tomorrow, and may your side effects be minimal!! Oh, not sure what was going on with the washing machine but thankfully I did a load this morning and it was fine. Fingers crossed its all sorted now!

Take care ,


Hi Lesley

I’d just like to second what the girls have said, and wish you all the very best for tomorrow - you’ll be fine. I’ve recently finished chemo, and if I can do it, believe me, anyone can !! I’m in for a mastectomy tomorrow, so it’s a big day for both of us !

Take care, and let us know how you get on

Lots of love

Julie xxx

Hi Julie,

I just wanted to wish you all the very best for your mastectomy tomorrow. I may have already done it on another thread but I’m not sure thanks to chemo brain!

Anyway, I hope all goes well and I wish you a very speedy recovery. I had mine in March and it was really ok, honest.

Take care of yourself and be sure to do your exercises!


Hi Kelly

Thank you for your message - I’m feeling ok at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll be as nervous as hell in the morning !

Will post again when I come out of hospital, and I promise I will do my exercises !!

Lots of love



Hi all,

Back from my first FEC, it was ok (it’s not a day that I would go rushing back for!) - but it is DOABLE!!! Think its the fear of the unknown that get’s to you - I feel a lot better knowing what will happen next time.

Tried the cold cap - the chemo nurse said if I can do 15 minutes, then I should be ok, and she was right. I have an extremely sensitive head, and I did it! You watch now it’ll fall out, just for being smart alec!

British Gas were brill - central heating fixed. Hope your washing machine ok Kelly.

Hope you are all ok for your chemo tomorrow - honestly, if a big whuss like me can do it, anyone can!

Julie - will be thinking of you tomorrow xxx

I did visualise the pac men - my hubby thought I was going slightly mad… but then again, think I have always been slightly wacky in the head! And a sense of humour certainly helps with BC, in between the crying in the bath!

Love to all xx


Hi Everyone

What I forgot to say was that I was going to have the cold cap, once I saw it at tried it on I have decided against it. The nurse said that 2 of the chemo drugs would make my hair fall out so I thought rather than clutch at straws and put myself through wearing the cap I would rather just go bald (wait for my comments though when it does I think this will be one of the biggest milestones I have to bear!!! I love my hair)

Julie - Good luck with the mastectomy (I found this operation easier than my lumpectomy 12 years ago) I hope all goes well for you

Kelly - I will be thinking of you in the morning and lets hope our side effects are minimal

Big hugs to everyone else too numerous to mention

On This morning tomorrow they are featuring breast cancer and treatment, although I think most of us know quite a lot but its great for others to find it early.


Hi all (again!!),

Karen - good on 'ya, you’re now an official member of both the ‘chemo caners’ and ‘red wee’ club!! Thats one down!!! I’m glad you found it to be ok, its nowhere near as scary as you imagine is it? I hope your side effects are minimal! I’m glad you got your central heating fixed, our washing machine seems to have cured itself!

Lesley - I don’t blame you for not giving the cold cap a try, I really didn’t fancy it at all so never bothered. Thanks for the tip off about ‘This Morning’ tomorrow, I have sky+'d it as I’ll be out! I’m desperate to get myself on there and get my 15 mins of fame! Gotta turn a negative into a positive, maybe I’d get snapped up by a talent scout! LOL.

Take care all,


I have posted this for new user Sue
Sam, Moderator

Hi all

Just to let you all know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have completed 6 FEC rounds. My 1st, 3rd and 4th were the worst. I came to know almost to the day what side effects I was going to have and when they would start and finish. Don’t overdo it. If your body tells you you need to take it easy then take it easy. I too had the cold cap as I had very long naturally blonde hair. This was initially my first dread of losing it. Unfortunately after two weeks it started to come out, so the nurse said at the second session it would not be suitable to do the cold cap. The nurse also advise me to have it cut short which I did straight away to shoulder length This did help and I cut it shorter later on. Eventually it became so thin that after I had finished chemo and there were almost immediate signs of it starting to grow (as if my body knew no more chemo) I took the plung and shaved it all off. Its fantastic to watch the return of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair that it gives me a real positive feel good factor.

Good luck


Hi ladies

I am now in the chemo club, the morning went well my first side effect was the red wee!!!

In the evening however I took 2 sickness tablets (left out the steriods) and after a couple of hours was very sick, but I felt better after that, took another 2 sickness tablets and then had a few hours sleep.

Its grest the metalic take seems to have gone.

Karen - sorry I got your name mised up the Kelly’s ,hope your feeling OK

Kelly - You must of thought I had lost it!!

Big hugs


Hi Lesley,

Welcome to the ‘chemo caners’ and ‘red wee’ clubs!!! Thats one down already, the time will fly by now, trust me! I’m glad to hear you are doing ok, I was thinking of you. I really wouldn’t give the steroids a miss though to be honest. They are awesome anti-sickness meds, I know people who have missed doses only to really regret it and start taking them again. Please don’t be worrying about the weight gain or insomnia that they may cause. I have only had steroid induced insomnia once and that was cause I didn’t take my second dose 'til 2pm, and I’ve barely put on any weight, possibly none at all.

Well I had my final day 1 CMF yesterday. Was chuffed to bits when I went as all the staff commented on how much hair I had!! I really didn’t think I had that much, but they said it was amazing. particularly as my treatment was a month shorter than most due to the accelerated Epi. I couldn’t smile wide enough!! Who’d have thought that someone who has nearly always had very long hair would be so pleased about her v.short crop!!!

Take care and be sure to look after yourself and take it easy,


Hello all,

Gawd did I feel ill yesterday - felt like my body was constantly on flight or fight mode - was really weird.

I had to go and get my daughter from school, she was adamant she was going back and that she felt better - how I got there and back I will never know.

Feel bit better today - sitting with a bottle of lucozade, had a banana and a nectarine - so will be running for the loo soon.

Happy to hear you are all ok - 1 down, 7 to go!!!



This is a great thread, I love all your stories of getting through. I had my last Epi on Wednesday and am starting on Taxotere in three weeks’ time - Eip has been ok for me, but I am terrifed of the Taxotere. I just tell myself it has to be done.

My OH always goes with me to chemo sessions, takes me on the back of his motorbike and we have a very fast ride back which scares the living daylights out of me but at least reminds me I am still alive!

Hi everyone

Hope your all OK

Flyright I cant believe you come home on a back of a motorbike - go girl

Karen - Just had some melon - its a real strange feeling but hopefully we will be sorted once these sessions are over.

Kelly - your comments are always good and make me feel better

Love to everyone
