Chemo & Rosacea

I just thought I’d share this.
I used to suffer from mild Rosacea on my cheeks and chin. Since I had Chemo the Rosacea has disappeared. Completely.
I did a little research online and it would appear that this is not uncommon. So for me personally this was an added bonus of Chemo. Every cloud and all that…

Now that is a bonus! I get occasional mild flare-ups of rosacea, and until I read your post it hadn’t occurred to me that my skin has been good since I started chemo.

Thanks Jaybee!

Jane x

I have terrible rosacea but I don’t need chemo.I wonder what is in it then .

I too have rosacea. Only had one cycle of chemo so far and although cheeks were less flushed got terrible outbreak of spots on chin
I also have ulcerative colitis which is linked to the rosacea basiaclly its an overactive immune system so when having chemo it suppresses it so in theory the condition should improve.
watch this space!!!

I hate it my face is forever red all the time it’s embarrassing tried everything.I’m goons read wots in the chemo .

chilli try bareminerals foundation its great for covering and calming it right down.
Hey with this chemo lark Ive got one boob and a bald head but my face might be ok for a bit ha ha!!

chezzap - haha! That’s the attitude to have. I posted this thread because it occurred to me there aren’t many positive side effects to having chemo, so I ought to share the one that I’d experienced. I hope you’re lucky enough ( ) to benefit from it.
I’m now 7 months post chemo, and my Rosacea has not returned, so I’m hopeful that it’s ‘cured’.
Incidentally, another ‘bonus’ (or not, depending on your viewpoint), is my chemo curls. I now resemble Little Orphan Annie, from having long straight hair prior to chemo. I’d always quite fancied curly hair, so it looks like I got my wish. I know we’re warned that our hair might grow back a different colour or texture, but I didn’t really think I’d end up looking like Leo Sayer’s blonde (younger) sister!

cheers JB
how are you now chemo is over?? have you maanged to get some sort of normality back after this nightmare???

Im on second cycle tomorrow and already am worrying about what will happen when its over and how to ever be normal again without bc being on my mind every minute of every day and worrying it will come back.
please tell me things get better

Yes chezza, they do get better.
I still think about it every single day, because it’s impossible not to. And with every new skin blemish, ache or pain I can’t help but fleetingly wonder whether it’s another cancer - you can’t help but be hyper sensitive to the possibility of metastasis. But that’s a natural reaction to what’s happened I suppose. But quite quickly the awfulness of the whole chemo experience fades (much like the trauma of childbirth). At least it did for me.
It helped that nobody knew about my treatment at the time. I’d just smile and nod when anyone mentioned my new haircut (wig). Only people close to me knew what was going on. That way, I avoided people looking at me differently. I was determined not to be seen as a victim, so I didn’t tell casual acquaintances anything at all until it was all over and I abandoned my wig and people would ask ‘how come you’ve cut your hair so short?’ But we each find our own way to get through it. Not turning into a conversation piece was my way through it.
I won’t lie to you. There were some really horrible days. Like the day I passed out in the village and came to on the pavement covered in vomit (abrupt withdrawal from the steroids - after that they started giving me a reducing dose with every cycle of chemo). And the day I was on my way to my 5th of 6 cycles and I just started blubbering. My hubby stopped the car and I told him I didn’t want to do it ‘because I feel so well right now and tomorrow I know I’ll feel like hell’. But I did it anyway (without the need for any real persuasion, I was just having a wobble and always intended to continue). Then near the end I needed a skin biopsy for a growth on my leg that proved to be Bowen’s disease, and I had to have it removed (apparently chemo can trigger certain skin cancers because of the compromised immune system).
So all in all it was a pretty harrowing experience. But now it feels so long ago, and as I said it dims with the passing of time. All you can do is take each day as it comes, because with each passing day you’re closer to the finish line. So just keep counting down the days to the winning post.
Keep your chin up.
Big cyber hug coming your way. X