Hi All
Long time no post :
Well, after my shaving of head incidence etc and relatively SE free 1st Chemo of EC, I seem to not be having a good time on round 2.
Just looking for some tips/guidance from anyone having similar issues.
It’s more niggly stuff than anything but sometimes niggly stuff is more annoying?!
I am really super sensitive to smell - everything smelling fetid and odd (I’m very clean around the house) but if I spray with Neutrodol to try and mask the chemicals choke me (bugger
When I yawn I hiccup once? Odd but annoying as I can’t have a really good yawn
Sour milk taste in mouth seems constant - craving dairy but don’t like the taste of it at the moment which is odd, so drinking black tea (unheard of!) I’ve started using Corsodyl again but only temp relief from taste, just like having a bad morning breath all the time
Tingling hands and feet - wakes me up sometimes in night
General “malaise” weariness and wooziness - no temp.
I’ve been sleeping on and off a LOT and I’m feeling fairly isolated in the daytime as everyones at work and I’m bored of being skint, lonely, not working, not having any focus, tv, films, books. Grumble grumble moan moan Think I should probably go for a walk today or something to clear some cobwebs!
Sorry to whinge - gets it off my chest so to speak