Chemo - the day after...


So after yesterday’s torture by cold cap and also being sick whilst in the actual chemo chair, I awoke today with trepidation. But felt good, alert and not nauseous at all. Decided to go into work as I know that for me personally I’ll feel a lot better if I try to keep as much of my pre-cancer life in place as possible.

I know we’ll all be different, so I don’t think we should really compare and contrast how any of us cope at any particular point in the chemo cycle but I did feel really perky - energetic even - today. Must be the steroids. I can now see why they’re banned at the Olympics!!! Think a lot of it was also relief, as I was honestly expecting to feel as if I’d been hit by a truck and obviously, after yesterday’s performance, to be extremely nauseous. The only time I even came close to feeling even slightly queasy was when I applied some aloe vera anti-bacterial hand gel on the way to work. I bought the aloe vera as I thought it’d be kinder to my skin but the smell was far too overpowering.

So I did a normal, full day’s work and apart from the apothecary of tablets on my desk, the red wee (tmi) and the mad, curly hair untouched by human hands since the cold cap, I wouldn’t have known that I’d had chemo yesterday. Oh, there is a slight discolouration on my hand where the cannula was. People even said I was looking really well. Thank you chemo glow - done more for my fair complexion than a thousand illuminating primers!!!

Food (for those who are interested): cream crackers (no butter) wanted to start off gently and this was the blandest food I could think of. Then as a reward I had some of my ultra calorific ginger cookies. Still no ill effects. I was absolutely ravenous by lunchtime as I had so little to eat yesterday and not much the day before, so I horsed down a cheese and red onion toasted sandwich. Thought it was the safest option given my local sandwich shop has lots of ‘deli food’ - which is off limits. It tasted like the finest meal I’d had in months. Hahaaa!! Just had some more cream crackers earlier this evening as I don’t feel that hungry. Not the most varied or healthiest day’s menu but it did the job - no nausea, no nasty taste in my mouth yet.

Don’t want to sound too cocky, as I’m fully expecting the slump when I stop the steroids. This is the point where your bloods drop apparently. For me the absolute worst part will be the seven days of injections I have to give myself. Really not sure whether I’ll manage it - squeamish doesn’t really cover it. I start to feel slightly faint just reading about gory medical procedures. May have to swing by my local medical centre every day!! What a big baby.

So to summarise ladies, so far this is totally doable. I’ve had quite a big operation in the past and I felt waaay worse in the aftermath. So for all of you with chemo just round the corner, please try not to worry too much. I’m sure worse is to come for me but today has been absolutely fine.

Hope at least some of this rambling brain dump has been vaguely useful to a few of you…

Cherry Bakewell ? xxx


Well, I finally managed to post this. I know it’s pretty long but I don’t actually think that was the issue. I just deleted one word - the name of the brand of cream crackers I ate. Apologies if this was the reason Ms/Mrs Moderator. When I said they were bland I meant that in the nicest possible way in this context. And we marketers are trained to always use the full brand name!! 


Thanks for the supportive private messages Lovelies. Don’t want people on here thinking I’m Billy No Mates!!! Hahaaa. Or that I’m just talking to myself like the mad woman in the attic…


Only a tiny update today as nothing major to report on the side effects front - although my face looked rather ruddy this morning when I woke up. Luckily it soon calmed down, don’t mind the chemo glow, not loving the chemo beetroot.


But the big news is that I managed to give myself the injection!! The needle is so fine that it really doesn’t hurt at all and as it’s given in the tummy it’s pushing through a bit of blubber anyway. So if I can do it honestly anyone can do it. This was the thing I was totally dreading - so another hurdle crossed and not a fraction as traumatic as I’d anticipated. It’s strange how cancer is making me tackle my mini-demons head on: my ultra squeamishness and also my candy floss hair. I’ve spent half a lifetime blow drying, straightening and cursing my unruly hair. And now irony of ironies I’m doing everything possible to hang onto every last unloveable strand (including ice torture) and not having washed, combed or touched my hair since Wednesday, it’s in its totally naturally curly state. Unbelievable. Not sure I’ve ever been out in public with it so curly. Well, not since I was 3.


Still need to catch up on lots of threads, so I hope everyone is doing well xx


? xxx

Well done! Told you easy peasy!!! If any aches and pains Ibuprofen and Paracetomol help.


Do you know you all make me realise that when I start chemo it is so doable keep these posts coming xxx

I got my wigs from specialist shop but can I ask ladies who are wearing wigs is it best to wear direct on head or should I get a wig cap? X

Hi SueW
Hope you are ok!
I wear mine with a special double sided tape my hairdresser got me.xx

I am good thank you ck hope you are too x
Guess I will just have to wait until my hairs shaved and try them my wigs have got a rubbery but that they told me would keep it in place but I was wondering about cap for comfort xx

I did have a cap but not sure where it is. Probably mixed in with my knickers. Ive got another one in my chemo basket but I just found it too hot when wearing it and my wig was comfortable enough


Evening Lovelies!!


Hope we’re all doing well tonight. I’m still feeling fine really. Just the rosy cheeks (saves on blusher) and an achey shoulder today. I could’ve just slept on it oddly - that’s what it feels like - but it could be a side effect of the injections which I think can cause aches and pains. Anyway, not sufficient to stop me going to the wig shop for the third time - to see my chosen Raquel Welch wig (PMSL!!) in a slightly lighter shade of blonde. Better. But I’m really being Goldilocks over this soddin’ wig. Seeing it in a slightly warmer blonde shade next Saturday. Keeps me out of mischief… ???


Sue, I tried my wig on with a cap today but it just added more bulk and I could see the edge of the wig cap poking out, not a good look. But that’s maybe cos nothing fits too well at the moment with my own mane under it all. 


How are you Jencat?? Are you feeling a bit perkier? Hope so xx


Rosie, I think we’re all amazing!! Just read through the posts on this board and it’s astounding how stoic and upbeat everyone is. You have to look long and hard for anyone on here wallowing in self-pity.


Evening Rhona, hope you’re still doing well. I’ve got seven days of injections but I’m in the swing now. Feel like I should get a Brownie badge or something as I can’t tell you how much I was dreading this bit. Jeez, we’ll all feel we can take on the world by the time we’re through with everything we’ve got to endure. PS Was the ginger pop your recommendation?? I opened it in the office on Thursday and my boss thought I was cracking open the champagne. Very nice bottles though. 


CK, hope you and Merlot are having a lovely, relaxing evening ?


?Bakewell xxx




I think we all need a gold medal, never mind Brownie points after all of these shannanigans!!!

When trying wigs they like us to wear a cap for hygiene and I felt hot with a head of hear and less hot with short hair but my hairdresser said no need with bare head, just special tape! My remaining short hair is fast coming out now. In a way it’s quite amusing! I don’t feel sad one bit and that’s probably because I’ve been in control. It’s as if I can’t wait to rub coconut over my bare head and make it nice and shiny! Yes, very strange!!!:0
My scalp is a bit sore and looks pink in places so it’s probably all to do with it preparing to fall out!

I rhink Jencat mentioned Ginger and Lemon Soda from M&S so need to get some of that ready for chemo 2 on Weds.

I have also been drinking half a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in glass of water with fresh lemon every day. It makes you burp when you need to aswell, especially when you have that funny empty feeling and a burp does the trick (too much info again)

Yep, rosy cheeks on my face for the first week and then rosy cheeks on my bottom as I came out with an itchy rash but docs cream sorted that out. Didnt look nice scratching and wriggling my bum bum:D

Cherry if the aches and pains persist from jabs Paracetomol and Ibuprofen did the job. It also helped if you go for a walk after doing it. At least you know they are doing their job!

And no, it won’t be a matter of treatment not working if no SE, it will be that you are one of the lucky ones as some people don’t and sail through treatment with minor issues! Also you are doing your thing rather than sit there waiting for DR to happen! Go girl!!!


DR meaning SE…silly fingers.x

Is is coconut oil or butter they recommend for head? X

Coconut wax is best. You can rub on hands and turns to oil. I have loads of coconoil (can Google it)
My mates mate owns the company.xx

Ordered some wax thank you ck x

Morning ladies wishing everyone a great day x

Hi Jen I did thank you x I did reply on other thread too x
Time flew with my friend and we had a lovely meal for my sons 21st xx


Morning Everyone


Hope we’ve all got something lovely planned for this weekend. Goldilocks here is off to wig shop number 2 in search of the holy grail of hairpieces. Ha!! Xx

Happy shopping cherry x