Chemo with Type 1 Diabetes

Hello everyone,

Is there anyone out there having chemo who, like me, also has Type 1 diabetes?

I am finding managing the two extremely challenging - the dexamethasone creates a wall that my insulin finds hard to jump over and the G-csf injections gave me massive hypos three and a quarter hours after injecting which at night put me at risk of falling into a diabetic coma.

The oncologist has made it clear that this isn’t her area so I’m on my own, albeit with the telephone support of my diabetes team. We made an advance plan for chemo 1 but it was wholly inadequate. Now I have a revised 10 day diabetes management plan for chemo 2 but it will be very much a case of trial and error. My requests to include an endocrinologist into my MDT has met with a flat refusal.

Hi Tulip29,

Thank you for your post. So sorry to hear you are going through this, it must be really difficult.

I hope my response will help other members to see your post and share their experience and/or advice.

In the meantime, please remember that our nurses are here and always happy to talk things through. You can share your post here or find more information about how to contact them via phone or email here.

Sending you our best wishes,


Hi, I’m sorry you didn’t get any responses, but I’m just starting on my journey and wondered if you’d found any T1 chemo groups? I’m really scared!
Thanks x