
I am looking for help re chemo, I want no know if it is worth all the hassle& side effects, I have been told I have a one in twenty chance of the cancer coming back. I have put it off till after my holiday at the end of this month.I will be seventy on the 2nd of next month, I am very fit & healthy but I came not get my head around this.

Hi Bell

If you ask hime, your oncologist might be able to give you your survival and recurrance stats with and without chemo.

For me, having chemo lifted my chances of being here in 10 years time from 75% to 88% - a no brainer to me!

Take care

70 is not an old age nowadays and I hope you are not feeling that way. I am having chemo and it seriously is doable. Only had one session but apart from the hair loss, everything else is very manageable with drugs. Only you know how you feel about how much you can handle and you do need to weigh up the pros and cons. Take a look around the site, especially the chemotherapy one. There are a huge amount of positive people out there. Have you discussed this with your oncologist and what is the prognosis without the chemo? it is a tough one as one in twenty does seem high. Good luck with it and come back always a listening ear on this site x

Hi bell Dougan

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.

I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, I’ve given here the link to our Resource Pack for those people newly diagnosed. The pack is filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. … tionId/82/

Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi bell Dougan
Iam 7o in a few weeks time. I have lobular cancer. Have had the op a lumpectomy and 14 nodes removed, 11 were cancerous. I am starting chemo tomorrow. Like you I am very fit and healthy. 70 is not old by todays standard, I certainly don’t feel 70. Read all the literature you can and keep posting on here. Its a fantastic site with lots of help and encouragement.
Love and hugs to you xx


Just echoing what the others have said. I am much younger, but so far chemo has been fine for me. Hardly any side effects apart from slight nausea (but not enough to stop me eating!!) for a few days each time and tiredness. I have had 5 treatments and another 3 to go. I have also used to cold cap and have been delighted with the results. I have met many ladies who have continued to work all the way through chemo - and have also had children to look after in the evenings and weekends. There are so many drugs nowadays to help manage the side effects. I was terrified when I was told I had to have chemo - I imagined being sick as a dog for 4 months. I watched other family members go through this years ago - but medicine has moved on and it is nowhere near as bad as I was worried it might be.

I, personally, need to know that I am doing all I possibly can to help my prognosis as I would hate to be looking back in a few years time wishing I’d thrown more at it… BUT it is a personal decision and one you can only make armed with advice (and stats if they help) from your oncologist.

Good luck. It’s a tough decision. Easier to be told what to do!! And talk it through with your family.

Have a wonderful holiday and a fab 70th birthday!
