
Hi I’ve just started my first round of chemo taxotere  having hercipton on Monday . This is my second time round having chemo back in 2011 October but was given Fec which I’m told is worse then  taxatere . Trying the cold cap this time too , felt like a bad tension headache the whole I had it on but was bearable . Feeling quite drunk and ache a bit first night no sleep wide awake hope this is not every night really hot sweats . So not had any sleep so I’m guessing that’s what I will be catching up on today ?. I’m a very positive person ?just get on with felt a bit worse about my breast cancer coming back well gutted to be fair , But I am very lucky to have a wonderful husband two beautiful daughters and not to forget my gorgeous 8 month old grandson which keeps me going they all support me on my journey and of course my  great friends and family I am very truly blessed . 

Hi Angeljo, really sorry you’re back on the chemo again - did you use this forum last time? I finished mine in May, 3 cycles of FEC and 3 of docetaxol. It’s tough going and difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t it - but great when you get to the end!
So pleased you have the support of family and friends and a gorgeous grandson to keep you going plus I found this forum to be of massive support too.
How about joining the monthly chemotherapy threads on this forum? There is a June and a July one - it’s a great way to support eachother, get advise and tips, and for the inevitable days when you’re feeling down, a great place to have a good rant!!
Wishing you all the very best and fingers crossed that your side effects are manageable ?
Kim xxx