Chemotherapy and Surgery experiences- looking for volunteers

Hi all,

I’m currently a Pink week representative for Caius College, Cambridge and looking for volunteers to sit for a portrait drawing class to fundraise for Breast Cancer Now and numerous other breast cancer charities.

My mother sadly passed away after 4 years of treatment for breast cancer including radiotherapy, chemo and surgery. The physical changes that come with cancer treatment are harrowing and isolating, and by running a life drawing class involving real patients I wish to destigmatise, and indeed find a little beauty in, women undergoing treatment. I create portraits of my mother after her mastectomy and reconstruction and it made her feel more normal. Of course those sitting for portraits would not be nude, and the classes would be run entirely with your comfort in mind. If you are in the south of England and are interested in volunteering please email me at


Thank you for fundraising for Breast Cancer Now in this way! We wish you the best of luck with receiving interest from people in the south of England.

We are saddened to read your note about your mother. Should you ever feel like you’d like to chat to us about anything, please remember that we are here and always ready to listen and chat.

Sending you our warmest wishes
