chemotherapy/radiotherapy for the elderly?

Apologies if I have posted this on the wrong thread (wasn’t sure which thread to use) - I just wondered if anyone knows if chemotherapy is offered to the elderly? My Mum is 78 and we are awaiting results after she had all her lymph nodes removed and a mastectomy she has stage 2 breast cancer and I am trying to get my brain in gear for possible future treatments.
Thank you in anticipation


I am really not sure, but I would have thought it very much depends on her health in general. If she has other health problems it may be unsafe to have Chemo. I hope someone with more experience comes along to help. You can phone the help line and explain your mums situation, also you can email a nurse on here and they can find answers. Sorry about your mum, this disease is never easy no matter what age it strikes. I hope her treatment goes well.


Thank you for replying Deb - I have been a loss as to were to go for answers or maybe I am anticipating things that wont happen, I’m just not sure and my head is in a bit of a muddle.
I think I would like to email a Nurse from here but try as I might I cannot find the email address so if anyone could please point me in the right direction that would be great.
Thanks again Deb for your concern.
Esbee x

I know everyone is different, but my Mum didn’t have any chemo or radiotherapy, she was 71 at diagnosis. As she had had a mastectomy and all of the nodes were clear she was told that the mastectomy was enough. She has also been on Arimadex since.

I guess it depends on all sorts of factors, if you go to the home page of this site, you will be able to find contact details for nurses to talk to.

Take care. Nicola xx

I think it would depend on many things, the cancer grade and stage, whether hormone therapy is a good alternative, and specifically your mother’s general health. My father had 6 rounds of Tax at 77 for bladder cancer, but no rads - but followed up by 13 hours of surgery to remove the bladder. But, he was (and still is)in very good health apart from the cancer, and actually sailed through chemo with very few side effects - in fact coped much better than I did with Tax.

I hope you get good results about the nodes.

finty xx