Chemotherapy regimen

Dear ladies, I was diagnosed with ER positive, PG neg, HeR2 neg breast cancer in July 2016, had 4 neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Adryiamycin and Taxotere, than mastectomy and now I am undergoing my adjuvant chemotherapy. The problem is that differernt proffessors are saying 2 different regimens. First saying Taxotere and cyclophosphane, second saying taxotere adryiyamycyn. Can u share with me how have u done u chemotherapy? What does it means 7 cycles of FEC-T chemotherapy? Does it means 4 FEC, than 3 cycles of T?

Hi Zhakonya, 

Thank you for sharing your story but I am sorry that you find yourself here. I am sure users will be along to show their support soon. 

In the meantime you can always call ourhelplineon 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk you through your treatments, any questions you have and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below. 

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 


Hi Zhakinya,


I did chemo in a slightly different way. Did chemo before surgery (a lumpectomy) and about to start rads soon.


Herceptin every 3 weeks as HER2 positive. 


The initial chemo I had was 6 cycles of FEC-T which turned out to be 3 of FEC and then 3 of T.


Sorry I don’t know more about different regimes and why doctors prescribe them. Hopefully someone else will know more.