Chemotherapy !

Hi Everyone


I saw my Oncologist yesterday and have been advised to have chemotherapy - 6 cycles every 21 days.  I had a low grade tumour which unfortunately had spread to one lymph node.  I guess I always thought it would be a choice thing and thought it wouldn’t come to chemo.  Now it has, I am freaking out - I am getting distressed about losing my hair and looking very different and worried about how my family are going to react when my hair falls out.  Didn’t sleep last night and I am definitely drinking too much wine !  I just feel scared, sick and unable to cope.  My mother in law was diagnosed with Leukaemia 2 weeks ago and was started on intensive chemo straight away.  This whole thing is freaking me out and I know my husband is finding it very difficult to cope with it all at the moment.  Help !


Pinkrunner xxxxx

Dear pinkrunner,


I am so sorry you are having to face this difficulty. First of all let me reassure you that chemo isn’t always as bad as you imagine it to be. Regarding losing your hair, you can ask about cold cap. Here is a link to a booklet you can download


Page 19 is about hair loss and explains about the cold cap. 


Just below this thread is the ‘Monthly chemotherapy groups’ which you can read other people’s experiences. There is a new ‘February 2014’ group just formed, which you could join and share your experiences with others who are going through the same thing.


Sending big hugs, and best wishes. Once you start I think you will find it easier than you imagined.


poemsgalore xx

Please join us in the February monthly thread!! Its all a lot to take it I know. I went through the “wine stage” too!! I freaked out about losing my hair at the beginning (had long blonde hair) but then took control of things and booked a hair app and went to a bob!! Ive had such lovely comments! Got another app on the 30th to go shorter again!! The chemo is not having all the control!! We can control some of it I’m sure!!!
Big hugs and please join us on the feb thread!! xxx