I have secondary breast cancer in my liver,lung and bones for the last 3 years.My oncologist has tried all hormone treatments and 3 different chemotherapy. In November i was taken off chemotherapy as i was not fit for any more after 18 weekly cycles. She said i needed a 12 week break and then a scan. I had the scan 3 weeks ago and saw her again on monday for my results.She said that 2 of the tumours in my liver had grown and 4 small ones had stayed the same. My lung tumour remained the same as the previous scan and also the bones remained the same.She told me i am still not fit for more chemotherapy so she has given me another 6 weeks to try and build myself up and she gave me pills to help my appetite which is poor and it will go worse when i start chemo as thats what happened last time.She has suggested the treatment ERIBULIN which has to to requested from the drugs fund. She said there was nothing else for me to try.Has anyone been on this treatment and how did you feel while you were on it .
Hi Mary D
I’m sorry to hear about how the different chemo’s haven’t worked so well for you. There is a thread on here about Eribulin, in fact a newish thread and an older one that you may want to read or post on. As this is one of the drugs that is being withdrawn from the Cancer Crugs Fund I’m assuming (hoping!) that your oncologist will be applying for funding before 12th March when is is withdrawn and a while before you start it. Good luck with this treatment and the time between as you gain some strength. I will bump up the threads I mentioned.
Nicky x