Chest infection after first Becker fill
Chest infection after first Becker fill Hello ladies
I went for the first ‘fill’ to my becker implant last Thursday and the very next day became very ill with a really bad chest infection, wheezing, coughing, temperature and splitting headache. This has just about wiped out my weekend as this (Sunday afternoon) is the first time I have got out of bed and I still feel rough!
I tried to get through to three hospitals - everyone who could have helped me had their voice mail on. It would have been easier to get an audience with the Pope! Finally they suggest I drag myself down to my local A & E - no thanks.
I realise it could be coincidental - but it seems strange that I fell ill the very next day after having the liquid pumped in. Anyone else had this?
For Linda Hi Linda
Sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell. I have spoken to the Nurse who strongly recommends that you do go to your local A & E department to have this checked out.
There may be no connection at all to you having your becker implant filled, however it would be best to have this looked at as soon as possible.
Best wishes
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