Chest pain

Hi everyone I have been diagnosed with BC and am having a mastectomy on 10th, my current concern is I have a heavy feeling in the middle of my chest, last week I had another biopsy (2 the week before) and wondered if this had anything to do with it, or if anyone has the same problem. Couldn’t get home if my breast care nurse today and feeling worried xx

Hi Helen W,

Sorry that you havent had a response yet.  Whilst you are waiting, perhaps you would like to talk this through with one of our experts on the freeHelpline, 0808 800 600? It’s open:

  • Monday–Friday, 9am–4pm
  • Saturday, 9am–1pm

Or maybe you would like toAsk the Nurseson the Forum, where they can respond to you online?

Best wishes,


Thankyou for your response, I have now spoken to the breast nurse and she has assured me the pain is just inflammation from the biopsies I’ve had and should settle down, now I’ve spoken to her I’m not so anxious and it has now improved, x