Chest pains + worried abut blood clot :(

Hello ladies
I’m after some advice please…
For amost a week now, I’ve been having occasional ‘attacks’ of severe chest pain. It’s like severe trapped wind/ indigestion but unbelievably sudden and painful. The pain is across centre of chest + across shoulder blades. This happened a few times yesterday + lasted quite a while. Thought I was ok today but it’s just happened again really bad. I’ve felt a bit more breathless and wheezy this week too.
I’m just getting a bit paranoid now that it could be something serious like a blood clot- especially as I’m going abroad on Saturday!
I’m on eribulin btw- had last chemo on tues.
Anyone got any advice or experienced something similar?? Just called the hospital + nurse was a bit vague but said I’d best go to a+e for peace of mind?
Thanks in advance
tina x

Hi Gingerbud

What you have described sounds like what I experience when my gallstones start to play up. It is incredibly painful. The pain is usually between my shoulder blades and around my diaphram.

I would go to A and E and get it checked out as it can turn nasty if it becomes infected. If it is gallstones they will give you pain killers. Tramadol is the only thing that touches the pain when I have an attack.

Try not to worry too much.


Sorry you’ve now got this worry. In view of your hols etc, I would go to A&E even if it’s only to put your mind at rest…Good luck, hope it is sorted quickly, whatever it is, and that you have a great hols.

Liz x

Had this problem for a few months during chemo, and its really painfull,went to hosp and was given morpine it was that bad , my dr sent me for CT scan and body scan all showed nothing wrong,when chemo finished it went away slowly. Any way that was me. IF i were u ide get it checked


Thanks ladies, I’m no stranger to pain + discomfort but the pain is rediculous :frowning:
Alex, funny u should mention gallstones coz my hubby had his gall bladder removed just before my dx + he keeps saying that what I’m experiencing is very similar to his attacks. Really hope I haven’t got gallstones too now- can bc metastatise to the gall bladder (I imagine so given it’s close proximity to the liver??).
Think I will go the hospital later :frowning:
thanks for your replies xx

Tina its best u go to a e at least it will put y mind at rest I get centre chest pains but they tell me it’s the centre nodes pressing on nerves I get weird feeling like trapped wind but floating around my back chest tbh I don’t think they know half the time my onc told me sometimes they don’t know wat or wat causes pain gd luck lets us know how u get on Laura x

hi gingerbud,
sorry to hear you new worry again i have just been told i got multiple lung mets today, i was reading on the living with secondrys forum, there are ladies on there that actually have lungs mets and blood clots on the lungs has well, but they dont have any syptoms at all like chest pains or anything like that so maybe it is just gall stones and nothing more serious, if you look on the forums maybe one of them could put your mind a ease. i will be starting chemo tomorowe plus going back on the herceptin.

best wishes to you and hope you feel better soon
lorraine xx

Hi Lorraine, jst replied on your other thread (ibc + lung mets). So sorry to hear the news, hoping all is goin well with chemo today,
love tina xx