Chest so tight after mx

I am 7 weeks post mx and still have such tightness across chest area. Still dont have full range of arm movement back. Still swollen altho slightly improved.

Is it normal to take this long?

I think it can take that long but it should be getting better. I am only 5 weeks past myself, and still some tightness but improving daily. Have you been doing your exercises? I have done them 3 times a day every day and the improvement week on week is noticeable Also, you might want to get confirmation your scar isnt sticking (you should be able to slide the tissue on your chest slightly around…). if you are not still seeing improvement you may benefit from seeing a physio. They can give you different exercises (I have a new lovely stretch to work on addressing my last bit of restriction)

Hi lolly73
I am posting some information from BCC about after effects of surgery which you may find helpful, please also feel,free to call our helpliners to talk any concerns/queries through on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2

Take care
Lucy BCC