I was just wondering if anyone else has BC that has spread to the lymphnodes which are in the chest?
Mine did and I was told it is uncommon (oh great). Took me awile to get to grips with it - just wondering if I’m the ddd one out?
I was just wondering if anyone else has BC that has spread to the lymphnodes which are in the chest?
Mine did and I was told it is uncommon (oh great). Took me awile to get to grips with it - just wondering if I’m the ddd one out?
I had clear lymph nodes from axillia but did have an ‘intermammory node’ which was affected … I assume they are one and the same … I was classed as an awkward case (no change there then!) and was discussed by the MDT regarding node status and to determine whether I should have chemo or not, majority decision was node negative and no chemo. I had 29 rads and am on tamoxifen.
I think they gave up telling me anything was uncommon K. After three separate primary tumours at varying intervals and into the skin 6mths after a mastecomy, I had them spread in my chest area, around the collar bone, neck, jawline etc. The were pretty resistant to two lots of chemos they threw at me but eventually gave in to herceptin!
Hi K and others!
I think that makes three of us at least - I had a node like that - it was surgically removed about 9 months ago.
Hi all,
Will check with the nurse as the name of the node - but it is probably the same one. Was told that it does happen when the tumours are quite high in the breast.
I also had them removed once I finished chemo (already had a mast). It was discovered during chemo as they originally thought it was fluid etc from the op, the good news is that the chemo/herceptin was shrinking it.
Thanks for replying - it makes me just a wee bit less scared.
Hi all,
I had mastectomy on my right 2 yrs ago with lymph node clearance on right arm.then this year had left lumpectomy and also lymph node clearance on left arm.both BC are invasive ductal carcinoma,stage 3.Hence,now both arms got no lymph nodes.from the right they took 21 but only 4 had cancer cells then the right side, they took 31 and 19had cancer cells.In both cases, chemo and radiotherapy are the treatments applicable.
I currently have a regional recurrence with cancerous nodes in my neck, chest wall and around the collar bone. mine appeared 2/2 and half years after primary tretament finsihded. Mine like Dawn’s haven’t responded particularly well to various chemos. Surgey not possible cause so many differnet bits of cnacer some wrapped found muscle, and rads not possible cause I’bve had reads in that area at primary diagnosis.
I agree with Dawn…they give up telling you anything is uncommon…not usual sometimes but someone has always seen it before.