chest wall reccurrance

i have had my second reccurrance, more nodules appeared in my skin on dx side plus this time a chest wall reccurrance, starting more chemo in couple of weeks, the having another op to remove the muscle and the affected skin + tummy tuck, is there anybody else thats had this same thing, it would be nice to hear that i am not alone, by the way i got ibc, dx 2010 sept.

Hi Lollypop,
So sorry to hear you are having to go through more chemo and further surgery. I hope it goes smoothly for you as much as possible. Wishing you the very best.
What chemo will you be having (is it differet from chemo have you had before?). Will it be IV based? I hope you get lots of good support.

hi christinep,
the chemo i am having is taxol i had 3 fec and 3 taxotere last time, but i had a very good responce, tumor shrunk completly, i think it will be for three months, then having the op to remove the chest muscle, and having tummy tuck to skin to close me up, nnot looking forward to none of it how about you are you ok.x

Hello Lollypop,
I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had a second recurrence, but the good news is that they can remove the cancer and get you back to NED, hopefully fairly quickly. I know it’s hard to face chemo again (I’m also doing chemo again for a second recurrence), but if you know that the treatment has a curative intent, you can focus on getting through this blip as best you can and then getting on with the rest of your life. Hopefully, it’ll be third time lucky for both of us, eh?! ;0)
Take care. Hugs, Angelfalls xx

Hi Lollypop, I had a recurrence in the lymph nodes of the chest muscle and had surgery to remove the muscle, chemo and rads for the 2nd time nearly 4 years ago. It’s hard to have to face it all again, but you have done it once, you can do it again. As Angelfalls says the good thing is that they can deal with it. Looking back, the 2nd chemo was easier than the first, mainly because I had some inkling if what I’d have to face - I also had acupuncture/acupressure to help with the se’s and keep my blood cound up, and it did seem to work, though I was initially sceptical. All the very best, take care, Mo xx

Hi again lolly

As you know I’m not an ibc lady but a TNBC recurrence in chest muscle lymph nodes like moser.

Previous separate hormone positive primary in opposite breast. No chemo for that as small grade 1.

Had Epi-CMF 4 + 4 for 2nd primary as grade 3 TN and LVI.

Then 4 months ago started carbo&tax x 6. Last one due today.

Not fun going through it all again… But it seemed quicker and knew what expect more but found this chemo a lot tougher.

Hope a goes well

Lulu xxx

i have got lung mets and chest wall reccurrance plus some more nodules appeared. i do feel well so far and i will be on chemo indefinantly, its so nerve racking my onc told me today that i will be having a scan on my 9th week i am on my 4th weeks now plus second weeks next week. anyway hoping you are well in yourself.
lorraine xx

sorry lulu i ment next week is my herceptin, the second one, and taxol is the chemo i am having.

Hi Lorraine

Sorry to read about the recurrance. When you say you have your 2nd Herceptin, did you not get Herceptin after inital DX back in 2010?

I also have IBC and just going through chemo, will have MX and ANC in April, Herceptin for a year (hopefully!) and Tamoxifen … phew.

Love Christine xx

Lorraine good luck with your treatment I hope its effective at zapping the squatters

Lulu xxx

yeah i did hae herceptin 15 of them but it was stopped last nov i had three left to go, they put me on heart tablets, i had another muga scan which was fine, so back on herceptin again for the reccurance and the lung mets.