I don’t know if this will help any of you but I want to share my experience.
On live chat this week mum’s were talking about problems young children were having dealing with the effects of this awful disease.
My daughter was almost two and she was helping her daddy set up the bar, he used to enjoy a morning cup of tea with our two cleaners. He had just put the till drawer in and he fell to the floor. Donna-Marie ran to get Pat and said ‘daddy has fallen over’ he was out cold. We called an ambulance, I rang for extra staff and we set off for the hospital.
After what seemed hours of tests and checks a Dr said it was not looking good and we needed a scan. By 9pm they had the results it was a very large tumour in the stomach but he had lost lots of blood so needed a transfusion. A few days later an 8 hour operation to remove stomach gullet and windpipe. Poor Donald was shrinking in front of me and his life was ebbing away.
I had a teenage daughter, a baby and a very busy pub, what a couple of weeks earlier had looked like an enviable life was now all falling apart. My husband made a good but slow recovery from the op, D-M was like a little nurse looking after her daddy while I was busy down stairs. Very slowly we got back to a new normal we were honest with our children and told them our time together was very limited.
Because we lived and worked together we were never apart and did everything together, each time we went to the hospital we were scared the news would not be good. We were just coming up to the two year anniversary and Donald had started being sick every morning so we knew the cancer was back. We shared our last Christmas knowing time was slipping away. Donna-Marie
would ask questions like ‘are you going to heaven soon’ My heart would break. We had always said if a child can ask the question they deserve a truthful answer but was this the right way to deal with the loss of a parent?
Donna-Marie was attending prep school and was about to celebrate her fourth birthday. We decided to give a big party we booked a ventriloquest (spelling?) It was a magical occasion, as I put her to bed she said she knew it was daddy’s last party and hoped he had enjoyed it. He said it was the best party he had ever been to.
As his condition worsened D-M asked to have a bed in our room she wanted to keep an eye on him while I was downstairs working. As I went to work each night they went to bed to read together I had the baby alarm on so I could check on them while I was downstairs.
Macmillan said a nurse could come and sit 9pm till midnight. It was not the usual way but it worked so well for us I am still very grateful. Monday night and our nurse had to stay over at a conference and she was having trouble getting cover. I said we will be fine.
I put them both to bed and D-M said ‘the angels are coming tonight for daddy’ He told her he didn’t think so as he was feeling fine.
I kept popping up the stairs and the staff were listening to the monitor. I closed up, cashed up and was having a cup of tea, they were both fast asleep a noticed a strange noise a bit like a duck. I had never heard of the death rattle so had no idea.
He woke and needed to go on the commode so my eldest daughter helped him out of bed and she left the room. He just looked up and said 'I love you and th…
D-M lifted her head from the pillow and said ‘I told you they were coming daddy is better now’
I shouted my eldest and she took D-M into her room and I rang the doctor.
Donna- Marie attended the funeral and she picked her favourite hymn.
We kept his memory alive and talked about him all the time.
Nearly three years ago when D-M married as Ian I walked her down the isle she said. ‘If I could have dad back for one hour this would be the one.’
I told her he is still with you has never left you he is in your heart, so he is here.
I was so proud.
Please I don’t want to offend any of you with children just wanted to share.
Even though she is 27 and has already lost one parent I know when she loses me she will be raw with pain again, but I know she will carry on and have good life(I hope) and I will be in her heart.
Love Debsxxx