I started RT today ( at last) ,I have been told by someone that I should avoid contact with very young children until my treatment is over.I have a two year old grand-daughter who I think I now have to stay away from for the next three weeks.
not heard about this with radiotherapy. cant see it some how.
but i do recall something in some info about when you go for that radioactive stuff ready for snb at nuclear medicine dept to keep away from pregnancy women and i think possible young children for some many hours after having it done. maybe they have got there wires crossed.
i am sure at your radiotherapy dept will be able to reassure you.
I was told this by a non medical person today. so who is right who is wrong???. dont think i can last 3 weeks without seeing my grand daughter, CRY CRY
G.P. says in the booklet I was given about radiotherapy.that there was no reason not to see children and other people. It’s only like having x-rays, so you can hug away.
TTT hit the nail on the head. If you have an injection of radioactive material, for example for a MUGA scan or bone scan, you should avoid close contact with young children and pregnant women for 24 hours. If you’re travelling in the following week you might set off airport scanners, so bring the letter with you, but you’re fine for hugs and cuddles after 24 hours.
This is for nuclear meds injections of radioactive material, NOT for RT, which is, after all, a bloomin’ great big x-ray.
So you fill your boots with as many hugs and cuddles as you like (on your good side, your treatment side might be a bit tender towards the end).
just to confirm - I have had the same query in the past week and was told under no circumstances does it stop you being around children - its perfectly safe. So by all means tell whoever told you to BUTT OUT!
Don’t worry - think of a light shining on your body, then when it’s switched off you don’t keep on glowing!!! Of course it’s different if radioactive beads are implanted into your body but that’s a completely different scenario. Enjoy your grandchildren - my great-neice wanted to know why the ‘man’ hadn’t put my tattoo dots on properly because they don’t join up to make a picture!!!
I look after my grandaughter 3 days a week and continued to do so during radiotherapy, having asked if it was ok. When I had radioactive dye for SNB I was told not to have contact with little ones or pregnant mums for 24 hours.