— smwroe , is Clonidine perscription or can you get it from the chemist or is it a herbal remedy


—clonidine —I believe is prescrption only - it is normally used for hypertension and lowers blood pressure. It is an FDA pregnancy class C drug and mustn’t be used by pregnant women. If you google it you will see a lot of side effects and exemptions. You can’t take it with antidepressants, sleeping pills etc. nor with alcohol. I would check with your Onc or GP before using it.

Chillow just arrived! Looking forward to using it - this thread has been very helpful. Think I’ll look out for Clonidine, now, - anyone know what’s in it?- does it conflict with other medications or is it natural?


Mine too Will be sleeping on it tonight, so hope for a good nights sleep, I’ve forgotten what that means now…

Thanks for telling me about this pillow.

Karen x

Just used mine for the first time! It’s great!

love Judy

—Clonidine —Sadly it is a prescription drug I’m afraid. I agreed to try it as a last resort having tried various herbal remedies and having been too afraid to take any phyto-estogens.

If you decide to try it I hope it helps.

—Clonidine side effects —Just to add a few more thoughts on Clonidine. I can only speak from my own experience and so far, the benefits of using Clonidine have far outweighed any side effects for me. In fact, touch wood, I haven’t experienced any side effects thus far. I am still only taking half the recommended dose as I was advised to start on a low dose to minimise side effects. With the benefit I have seen so far I may not increase to the full dose.
I am due to go back to my GP in a couple of weeks to review things. My GP very much played down the side effects when discussing prescription of it for me and I also discussed it with my ONC. I don’t want to seem dismissive of potential side effects but I did ask my ONC also about alcohol when taking Clonidine and he has advised me that in moderation it is fine.
I hope this is useful.