Hi everyone…after having yet another disturbed nights sleep, why do they not make a chillow the size of a double bed and one that stays cool all night!!! I have been on tamoxifen for 6 months now and the night sweats seem to be getting more intense. They come at roughly 2 hour intervals too. My husband spends more nights in the spare room now as the chillow gets flung in and out of the bed all night along with me constantly tossing and turning. I remind myself of that advert for Kalms where she pushes her partner out of the bed because she cant sleep and he can! Not sure how much longer I can put up with this. The doctor said he could put me on anti depressants to stop the sweats, but I’m reluctant to do this. I keep telling myself I will see how I get on in acouple of months. Going away in a couple of weeks to Turkey…god knows how I will get on there. Must take the chillow but it weighs a ton!
I also have a chillow and used it most during chemo so I now associate it with feeling really ill and am not keen to use it. I don’t like the plastic smell it has either although I must admit it does cool me down. My hot flashes and night sweats are not as bad when I avoid eating sugary foods. I am convinced that food plays a part in this so might be worth trying to find out what makes it worse for you before more pills. Goodness knows we’ve all had enough drugs haven’t we.
Hi Paris
Been on tamox for a year. I had awful sweats too but after about 8 -10 months they did improve quite a bit. Usually have one during night now. Use chillows and they’re great but I wish they’d stay cool too. Alcohol makes my sweats about 10 times worse and I try to avoid hot drinks in the evening. Hang in there before taking the anti-depressants if you can.
Picking up o the comment why dont they make Chillows double bed sized, they do amke a larger version but its marketed as a dogs bed!! Swallowing my pride at the dog reference I have bought one, and am now just plucking up the courage to use it as I’m concerned at the amount of water you have to add - visions of the living room ceiling coming down if I manage to puncture it! Will let you know how I get on!
Hi Sarat…your comment made me laugh out loud!
Looking forward to hearing how you get on.