Christmas & Anxiety

Hello everyone,

I am 4 years post breast cancer diagnosis (3 tumours, oestrogen positive and BRCA1 genetic mutation). I find Christmas so triggering! I have written a poem to try and express my feelings. I thought I would share it on here in case anyone can relate to it. I have written a few other poems about my journey too, writing has definitely helped me to process things. Here is my poem -

Christmas & My Demon

Life beyond cancer has given me a little Demon in my head.
Having a mirror held up to my own mortality left me with some feelings I dread.

Christmas makes my Demon super active and full of thought.
Reminding me of my challenges and the new normal cancer brought.

At times the Demon goes quiet but Christmas seems to make him talk none stop.
Reminding me of Christmas’ gone by, the overwhelming thoughts make my mind want to pop.

Sadness, anxiety, disbelief and a feeling that life can be so unfair.
The Demon is great at bringing me these, but at Christmas… really I despair!

So onwards and upwards in life I always strive to go.
Hoping the Demon will leave me so happy thoughts can flow.

I’m wishing for a joyful time this Christmas by creating new memories with my family.
Going for walks, lots of chatting, eating chocolates, watching a film or three.

Each Christmas post cancer definitely has a new meaning to me.
I’m much more reflective and appreciate life, embracing all that is to be!

So along with many others living beyond cancer we do the best we can.
Holding onto a positive mental attitude I think is the best plan.


I love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Don’t think it’ll make the Christmas number 1, but I can definitely relate.
Christmas has always been my FAVOURITE time of year and this is the first year il be hosting in my own home for my whole family, I’ve only found out I have metastatic breast cancer in my spine and liver a week ago , but Christmas is keeping me going! It won’t be the same for any of us but we are still going to have a great time.
Glad you are able to express your emotions through writing, it’s a great way, I’d love to be able to write poetry like this. Hope you have a lovely Christmas xxxx


That’s lovely. I hope you have a special Christmas with lots of new, happy memories. x