Does anyone else struggle at this time of year? Both me and my husband have mentioned to each other this evening how day to day jobs seem less significant at the moment. Wondered if it was due to time of year
Hi amf80. It can be especially difficult at Christmas. I was diagnosed at this time of year and try and make it especially joyful just because I’m still here but I’ve had a long time to come to terms with my diagnosis (and I hope you will be likewise.) I have a smaller Christmas and I don’t get caught up with some of the more commercial parts but I think I’ve always been this way inclined. I love buying a present I’ve put a lot of thought into. Thanks to a kind friend with lots of holly I can put some greenery all over the house. Those without cancer will say how stressful Christmas is, how darker days can be gloomy. We and those who love us have more reason than some to contemplate the futility of day to day jobs. I think especially when you are newly diagnosed and in shock, or struggling with pain, with treatment, the fact that we still, when we are able, climb out of bed carry through the day sometimes that alone is worth a big, gentle pat on the back.
A Christmas hug to all here. I hope the New Year is peaceful and treatments are kind to you.
I next see my Onc on January 2nd, so said a cheerful ‘see you next year’ at my last appointment, about 6 weeks ago… :smileylol:
Hi,amf80,yes,I’m struggling with christmas this year too. This is my first year with diagnosis of mets.i usually love christmas & spending time playing corny board games with them. I know this is silly and I should be embracing this time with my family but I feel christmas has lost its sparkle this year. Hopefully ,the sparkle will come back soon.
Take care and huge hug xxxxxx
Hi there everyone.
Wanted to say I hope you all have a good Christmas under the difficult circumstances we are facing living with secondaries. Today is a year on from my biopsy & then double whammy diagnosis on 19 Dec so Christmas is not quite the same these days. I am going out with friends to celebrate the fact that I still here! I have had a tough first year but made new friends both on this forum & at support groups/hospital. I saw my onc last month & my breast tumour has halved in size since April so will be continuing on present treatment - denosumab, tamoxifen & zoladex.
Bring on 2014! Good luck to everyone with their treatment & let’s fight this horrible disease.
Take care, Helen x
I too are celebrating my third xmas since bilateral mx and liver mets, I find each year gets easier as I am aware each xmas could be my last, I go to as many ‘light switch on’ as possible and my home has stacks of xmas decs and I go to any xmas get together I can to make happy memories for my family, last week I went to see Boyzone with one of my sisters and my mum, I just feel I have to cram as much in as possible as I do not know what the future holds, next scan is the 6th jan so fingers crossed. Wishing all you secondaries ladies a nice a christmas and new year as is possible xx