Christmas Cards - donate instead!

Hi everyone!
Having recently been diagnosed with bc and following surgery and first session of chemo, with lots more treatment ahead, of course, I got to wondering how I could make a small contribution to breast cancer care, a service I have found so helpful at such a difficult time.
As it is soon Christmas, what I am going to do is to make a donation to breast cancer care for the amount I would normally spend on Christmas cards. I have downloaded a Christmassy picture which includes the words ‘Merry Christmas’ from the Internet (there are loads of images available to suit all tastes!), copied it from ‘Downloads’ on my computer into a Word document to which I have added two text boxes, one with a personal message and a smaller one to say that we are donating to breast cancer care. It took me 5 minutes to do all that and now the document is ready to send as an attachment to emails to friends and family this Christmas. Might I suggest that other bc sufferers do the same and make a difference this Christmas?
Love and best wishes to all women affected by bc in whatever way :slight_smile:

We have done similar at work for a while, we all make a donation to MacMillan. Then we have a large whiteboard in our staffroom and everybody writes up a personal message to everybody working there. Some people attach one card addressed to everybody here too. It is a nice gesture and I feel that we take more notice of what is written as we are not inundated by lots of cards and it is a nice backdrop during the last few exhausting days of the term (we are a school.)

You have got me thinking about this with more personal friends and neighbours etc. I might make a donation to BC charity and make an image and write a message to all my friends on facebook telling them what I’ve done. It will also save me time!

I think the idea of a Christmas card board at your place of work is a great idea and I will do the same next year at my school(I won’t be at work this Xmas).
Cards are nice but such a waste in environmental terms too. Has anyone else got good ideas which save money which can then be donated to your favourite cancer charity?