I’ve been on Tamoxifen since January and like many others on here I am also suffering from the belly increase - it’s so nice to hear that it is not just me! What I have been suffering from as well is chronic thrush which started about a month after starting the Tamoxifen. The GP is at a loss on how to treat it as we have tried the fluconazole etc and I am just about to commence another pessary instead. Has anyone else had the same problem taking Tamoxifen? If so any recommendations on what to do? I am going to take some probiotics to see if that helps. It is getting me down, this combined with the weight gain and just the feeling that everything is not working quite right. This getting over treatment is much harder than going through the treatment itself.
only just seen this post and I can empathise completely with expanding waist line and thrush but sadly that’s all I can do as I’ve not found any solutions. 3x flucanozole on consecutive days gave me relief for about a week but it soon returned. I’m a year on from dx and was expecting to be putting this all behind me by now. Not a lot of ideas sorry but it sometimes helps to know it’s not only you. I would be interested to know if the probiotics help.
Wendy x
Hi everyone, I’m exactly the same and experiencing bouts of thrush on Tamoxifen. My stomach has defo increased in size too. I am not sure if I have gone through the menopause or not, as I didn’t have a period for over 12 months, they stopped during chemotherapy, but I have recently had a bleed and the GP told me my cervix is slightly ‘inflamed’. I have a hospital appointment tomorrow to see a Gynaecologist just to ensure everything is ok. I have googled my symptoms until I am blue in the face!!! I know, don’t google but I have too much time on my hands at the moment and cannot resist! Ladies you are not on your own, I will ask tomorrow about the thrush and get back to you. xx
Hi, just got back from the hospital, I have had an ultrasound and biopsy to check for womb cancer. They seem confident that I am fine so the biopsy is just routine. There was a slight thickening of my womb, which they think is caused by the Tamoxifen but nothing to worry about. I mentioned my bouts of thrush and asked if it was because of the Tamoxifen and the Drs said they don’t think that Tamoxifen causes thrush as a side effect! So back to square one on the that. Funny how thrush has got much worse on Tamoxifen!!! Anyhow, will get my results in 2-3 weeks. I’m sure all is fine. xx
My Doctor won’t admit that this is a side effect of the Tamoxifen. They said persistent Thrush was a symptom of diabetes. I was sent for a fasting blood test but had no diabetes.
I have just been prescribed internal cream to be inserted once a week. The cream is more gentle for continued use and lasts for two weeks before the thrush returns. It is canesten and can be bought over the counter.
My breast care team think it may be lack of Oestrogen that is causing dryness and the dryness is allowing the thrush to keep taking hold. Probiotics haven’t worked so far but I have not tried internal probiotics.
Hi I eventually went to a sexual health clinic on the recommendation of a sexual health nurse friend of mine. The doctor I saw was brilliant and specialised in treating chronic conditions. I had been asking for a while if it could be due to IUD I had in but every time the answer was no. I ended up having an ultrasound scan of my abdomen and it showed the IUD had slipped and that was causing the pain. It was taken out and guess what my thrush stopped almost immediately!! I’ve had a bout since but it went quickly. I hope this helps xx
Before I had my IUD removed I was going to be taken off tamoxifen
Try menopause.org.au and search for vaginal care after breast cancer. Useful downloadable leaflet
Went into boots today and found Balance active menopause, moisture pessaries plus. It’s a one a day treatment that balances the PH in the vagina and moisturises and heals as it contains Almond oil rich in Vit E. I shall try them and report back . I’m thinking that if I can balance the PH and stop the dryness, I’m less likely to get the thrush. I will report back.
I have also found a probiotic for women’s problems. They are Optibac for women and are on Amazon. The friendly bacteria have been chosen to reach the vagina and should help balance yeast. Research on probiotics to prevent breast cancer is in its early stages but there are indications that taking the for women probiotics can help as a preventative.
The moisture pessaries work but the acidity gave me a urine infection. Great! I’ve started the probiotics and will keep you posted.
Could I ask all ladies that get persistent thrush as a result of taking tamoxifen to report it at this website.
Hi ladies! Can I just say thank you first and foremost for sharing your experiences! Just started tamoxifen 2 months ago and long story short thanks to you guys I now know I’m not alone!! I will absolutely post on that website! Also reporting to FDA here in the USA. Looking forward to healing and walking the journey with you ladies.
Hi all, I have been on tamoxifen for a year now after a masectomy I am 64 years old and was never prone to thrush before starting on tamoxifen. I have had at least three bad episodes of thrush since being on it and the discomfort is pretty much constant. I have also just been diagnosed as borderline diabetes. This does not run in my family history so I really do think it is courtesy of the tamoxifen also. I read with interest the creams used as there is of course vaginal driness now I have very little estrogen. Will be contacting my doctor on this one. Also the use of probiotics. Thanks again for this tip. Will also try. Anything to break the cycle.
Been on tamoxifen for 2 out of 10 years now and have constant vaginal thrush! I never had it before being on tamoxifen. I had cotrimazole pessary from gp which did little to help. It is obviously a side effect that is causing discomfort to many women!
I think tamoxifen has many side effects but for me I will put up with them if they keep the BC at bay. Good luck xx
Wow, I just burst into tears reading your posts because at last I found out what’s wrong! & there’s things to help. Thank you guys for sharing I finished my treatment for breast cancer a month ago but have recurring thrush & it’s really painful to have intercourse. I worried about telling the doc that I had thrush (which causes discharge) & dryness at the same time as I thought “who’d believe that?” Had problems explaining to my boyfriend as well. But now I know it’s not just me is such a relief!!! Thank you, will be at my GP the moro & hopefully get sorted
People think that once your cancer treatment finishes that’s the end & you’re all better, but it’s not!! There is still s**t you have to go through & deal with… I feel so much better reading your experiences & its really helped :)) stay strong ladies XXX
Hugs back sweets xxx
Hi all I’m unsure whether or not this thread is still going but I wanted to firstly say what a relief it is to read other people are going through similar side effects through taking tamoxifen. I am 24 years old and was diagnosed with a benign tumour aged 15. I have been on tamoxifen previously for 2 years I came off it as my tumour was stabilised but last year I unfortunately had to start taxing it again. I experienced barely any side effects previously but this time round I have been getting thrush every week, dryness and just general discomfort in that area. I have been to my gp on numerous occasions and have been prescribed fluconazole and thrush creams I get relief for about a week but intercourse is still excruciating. I am now being referred to see a gynaecologist and to have an internal pelvic ultrasound in the hopes they may be able to come up with something new to try and to rule out any other causes although I’m pretty sure it’s tamoxifen causing all these symptoms as I’ve never had thrush before. I have also spoken to my consultant at UCL about the reacurring thrush and have had a letter to say that many women taking tamoxifen have experienced these side effects, she recommended to try estrogen cream to help with painful intercourse. I was a little worried about this at first but apparently the cream has a low dosage of Estrogen and so shouldn’t affect the growth of the tumour. I have also tried other things such as probioitcs, vagisan moist cream, lubricants and vaginal moisturisers but none of these seemed to help. I’m really hoping I’ll get some more answers as Myself and my partner of 3 years would love to start a family one day but I’m petrified that the symptoms I’m getting will rule this out.
I’ve been on Tamoxifen now for 7 years and, although I have sufffered with thrush every now and again over this time, I have been suffering with chronic thrush for the best part of the last 12 months. I have seen my GP and have been prescibed fluconazole and creams and, although they helped initially, they don’t seem to be having any effect at all now. My GP has referred me to a gynacologist who I will see next month to see if there is anything else that can be done. My breast cancer was oestrogen driven so I am uncertain of what else to try as I have always been told to avoid anything that has oestrogen in it. I am at my wits end, it is really getting me down.
That said, it was such a relief to see that I am not on my own with this and a comfort in a way to know that there is hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully the gynacologist will have a few more ideas.
I am having the same problems, I keep hoping my GP will eventually prescribe me with something that gives me some relief .