Thanks for the links, the first one i found really good… dont tell you much but more than i can remember the surgeon telling me. Well its been a REALLY bad weekend and cried buckets, I just cant seem to stop really. Iv gone weeks wondering why everyone is so bothered about whats happening and now im the one that is the mess. One minute im screaming at everyone and the next im under the quilt crying my eyes out. Iv even found myself cleaning up crying. Tom my 12 year old is wondering what is going on as iv not told him yet (he only knows im not well). I feel like im loosing it completely and i cant put the brakes on and stop.
Everyone in the house isnt helping either as they are sooooooo lazy and noone helps out, just drop everything at their a@ses for me to pick up and its the same bl**dy things i keep picking up Just feel very depressed…OH GOD i am a moaner today lol.
So how are you doing?? Wonder when you will get a date. At least you will get to know what they are doing and why they are doing it cos i will be there first and can talk you through every second.
How has your weekend been, better than mine i bet.
Glad to see you back was worried where you were knew you weren’t doing so well could tell from recent posts!!
I am thinking of you constantly and sending you all my possitive thoughts and hugs!!
It is hard to cope I have good times and bad …my break helped a bit but has shown cracks with my hubby that I didn’t like …had a big massive blow at him and even threatened to leave him and the kids as yes I too get fed up of picking up after them …dirty pants dishes and everything they use or touch …matters are made worse as my husband insists on having his 35 yr old foster brother live with us as he is very irresponsible and can not cope living on his own …he is great when he goes on his weekend benders and does pay his way so it’s just in the week I have to put up with him …but it is another lazy bloke who won’t mow the lawn unless I have a complete pink fit!
Hubby is trying to be less stroppy with me …but after shouting and being so rude for 2 days in london it will take more than a few days of niceness to paper over that crack!
I have had to tell the kids because last week I too was a complete wreck and was even foaming at the mouth with rage …flipping at everything and crying the next min like the worlds worst PMT …crazy I was … the sleeping tabs have helped as I’m not so tired …guess once I ring the surgon it will start all over again!
I still don’t get why they are doing this to us! have no lump and did feel fine still do except the stress! I find I am now able to eat up untill this last few days I had no appetite and food made me sick so at least thats better! I guess we are going to have good days and bad …but I think it is the not knowing that is doing me …why are they doing it what will I look like etc etc I drive it round my head in circles some days!
As for you being a moaner …don’t worry moan all you like!!! I will gladly lend an ear and send you as many hugs as you like!!
My weekend has been alot better and hubby and I have been making more effort…took my dalmation to stud friday and today …they did “it” so hope that’s something to look forward to …just hope with what’s going on with us at the min that we get the all clear after our ops as if not then a house full of puppies will be hard on top …but I’m not giving in!! Played some games with him and the kids …lit the fire went no where eles and sat eating and watching tv so it was nice and that has helped a bit!
Any way I am glad to see you back was worried how you were! Keep talking I’ll always be here for you to rant or rage even
ps forgot to say ,…my mother came round!!! decided to put my foot down a bit and tell her to stop commiting me to a pink fluffy box…did she take it on board…nah just started going ohh I don’t talk to you about it because I know it makes you angry…Untill that point I was fine and Husband had to drag me into kitchen for a crafty ciggie to calm down …gave up smoking 10 years ago but have had the odd one this week …not sure it is a good idea but trying to live healthily and still got this at 30 hasn’t helped so decided that it isn’t going to make that much difference now is it…anyway once I calmed down he let me back in and she shut up …so time will tell!!!
hi you two, sry your feeling down but the proceedure doesnt look too bad, have they told you you have bc as i couldnt see any thing to connect it to cancer
i pray you will both be fine,i will hold you in my prayers, i pray you get your op asap
Cee I am in the same boat as LJ, so fingers crossed it wont be too bad. My surgeon just said she couldnt let me wait for my op in the fear that it would spread but will only know the extent of it when they go in. Thank you for thinking about us and having us in your prayers xxx
LJ… by the way is your name Jane lol ???
Iv been in the same state with the cigs and hubby is not too pleased to say the least but at the mo im in such a state i need one or two to keep me from either exploding or like you said walking out and not going back … and thats the truth.
So your poochy has been a naughty girl has she!!! I do hope he was a good looker lol.
The fire and food sounds a nice weekend but with going to weight watchers the food is out the question … I never went for the last 4 weeks due to all this and put on 11 lbs so really cant afford to eat lol.
How many kids you got and what are there ages… how did they take it??
oh sweethearts, i pray it is not cancer and clearing the ducts will help you both,
i,m still in a quandry i still have my lump been twice to breast clinic, very dissapointed with them, the con presisely
he said it was a fluid lump phew relief!!!
he drained it the first time tar like substance, then 4 weeks later for a repeat ultra sound to check all was ok only larry the lump was back, again it showed as fluid but this time it was red blood
they still did not send any off for testing
so i dont know what to think??
got home and the lump was already back so i,m now ignoring it as i dont want to go for more prodding
Did they say that the lump would return and if so what was you ment to do?
I know it is there job not to be all sweetie sweetie but sometimes i just wish they would just sit down and explain everything in a way we can understand and let us rattle off all the questions we want to ask. I feel that they havnt got time to listen to your questions.
I really do hope everything is okey dokey with larry now and he just goes away on his own.
my name right well you did ask!!! I am called nicola jane but don’t like nicola never had my hubby and his son who has now grown up and left home have always called me louby or loubyjane or janey and when he is really angry he calls me nicola …louby jane or jane or louby or lj are fine lol! I am so used to being called this I rarely use my real name now! My friends still call me nicola but they are never cross so I don’t mind. Whatever you call me is fine!
Back to the smoking If it works then hell why worry after all it clearly makes no difference in my opinion you either get it or not …and I am fast approaching life is too short attitude! As for walking out …yes I keep having that and sometimes I have to force my self to shut up and go into another room as I really might loose it sometimes!!
My kids are 7 (but he is nearly 8) and 5 (but he is 6 on 29th) the 5 yr old has aspergers a form of Autism so explaining to him was easy as he doesn’t really get it and has started to say mummy has a moldy boob thats his understanding and he thinks I am better now! My oldest sadly understands too well as my husbands mum died of it at xmas and he took it hard and so I have tried to tell him but not mention the c word…luckily I had a funny mole removed a month ago before this started and i told him I have something like but because it is inside then it will hurt and take a bit longer and it culd make me poorly for a while…he then asked if it was cancer…no flies on him…I just said the doctor doesn’t know but I am sure I will be ok …He seems ok about it had a cry but hasn’t mentioned it since …but I promised not to lie to him or keep secrets so he doesn’t need to worry unless I tell him he does …He trusts me so he seems fine! I keep asking if he needs anything etc and he is just normal so hope thats it for now!
The dog had a jolly good seeing to by a ver handsome dally so fingers crossed I will get some nice pups!!!
Before all this I was at slimming world and had just lost 2 stone and right now can not even face going so yes I bet I have pilled it on!! but I ca not cope with that as well and it will still be there when this is over!
cee…do you not think you need a second opinion?? you have the right to ask for one from your doc to rerefer you…please do!! I hate being violated at the clinic but would rather know…I think
It does amaze me at how well some ladies are treated and some like us are so badly treated …I feel claire and I have been let down with no real explanation or support…sounds like you are expieriancing the same!!!
hi louby and claire,
yes i feel very let down, i was just told if i have any further trouble to go bk to my gp, what like the next day!! he was useless, he prob would have been ok if it was anything serious but how do they know if they dont test for cells??
I had skin cancer last year and had that cut out, i do have a lot of health issues poor health, i,m 54yrs and in a wheelchair overweight,diabetic,had 2 heart attacks and had stents put in so you see my dilema i felt that he thought well we cant treat this woman because of her health issues so we will just tell her something to keep her quiet.
he tried to tell me i had an abcess i said i havent or i would be in pain and this darn lump doesnt hurt one jot i said i didnt feel unwell at any point but he wouldnt hear of it
because i smoke mildly he said its due to smoking its that that blocks the ducts
so here i am some three weeks later and still larry the lump remain with no pain just agravating that its there
my hubby was sypathetic but now he says well they didnt find anything so stop worrying
but deep down i cant i guess i feel there must be some reason why it keeps filling up
so i left his office non the wiser
that is why i asked about your ducts as he said its a blocked duct i wondered why does it fill if its blocked surely nothing could enter it if this were the case
oh well lifes a bitch but someone has to do the job,lollol
you gals deserve better treatment and i would try and stay poss it may turn out to be neg with the help of the lord
Why do some have so much to bear?? I do think you need to change gp and then ask again …I am lucky I have a good gp and have many ailements …he always listens and tries to help as thats his job!! Shame they don’t all know that!! Keep asking babes YOU are worth it!! after all with out sick people like us they would have no job lol
I am staying possitive and am focusing on there being nothing wrong …but the op they want to do sounds awfull in it’s self and thats the bit that gets me!! But I have decided that if I get the all clear then my already bg breasts are gonna get bigger and I’m gonna have implants haha get that hehe
hey thought I might share this funny story with you …have been going to docs for my funny breasts and then week after referal he had to give me an internal as I have found a lump in my lady garden! ( got to back in 3 weeks for him to look at it again) Now laying in bed this morning complaining as last weeks antibiotics have given me terrible thrush and I bought all the stuff you need from chemist …I said to my husband it hasn’t worked I’m still so itchy it keeps me awake …He burst out laughing and said look you’ve had the doc’s hands all over your bits inside and out …if you go in again asking him to look at it he might accuse you of sexual harresment!!! OH MY GOD imagine the news paper headlines!!!
But all jokes aside if this itching carries on I will have to go see him again …and he will just politely ask me to show him and he will deal with it like it’s the first time I have asked for something …although last week he did say it doesn’t rain for you does it at the min it pours …you’ll get there!
There are some nice ones guess i am lucky …thinking of you lots of love LJ xxx
Thought would join in on this thread and wish you all the best of luck with your results and keeping all my fingers and toes crossed. Cee reckon you should get a second opinion as Louby and Claire have said, you shouldn’t have to wait around and sit there worrying, you need to find out once and for all for your own sanity.
I can also relate to the getting angry and annoyed about others being lazy in the house, my husband was driving me mad yesterday as all he was interested in was football and putting a bet on, and forgot about me and the two children (3 and 9 months), and the ironing. And he is the same, drops his clothes wherever and leaves them, same with anything else actually. There that is my little rant out of the way. Got the hump with him at the mo … as getting a bit p****d off with having to do everything.
I hope you are all having a good day and try to stay positive.
Dawn you are more and welcome on this thread to have a good moan about the lazy GITS we live with. Mine got hold of the laptop last night and wasnt too pleased that i was having a moan about him, cos he did fill MY dishwasher with the dinner plates… huh MY dishwasher!!! As you can guess he got told where My dishwasher will end up !! … plus to add insult to injury he thought by fulling MY dishwasher he would get fully repayed later on in the bedroom… lololol god dont they make you laugh.
Yes Cee i would go back to your GP and ask for a full MOT on your wazzers as living with this ‘what if’ isnt good for your health and i think you have enough on your plate at the mo.
LJ… I have 3 boys, thomas 12, ben 4 and adam 3. There is 12months between the 2 little ones and at the mo i am pulling my hair out with them both. I know what aspergers is as i teach some people with it. Iv decided not to tell thomas anything till i know for sure what is going on… in the mean time he just thinks mum has gone completely mad.
Well the fire men are coming tonight to check my house for fire exits, alarms ect, so have to get the cleaning done and do my hair, put the war paint on and most of all get the big hold in knickers on to pull in the fat, not that im trying to look glam or anything lol. Oh and i have ww tonight so wish me luck!!
Dawn men are so lazy it really gets my goat …my hubby keeps declaring I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU …I can not tell you what my reply is as moderator will remove it but sure you can work it out!!! and feel free to rant to us about whatever you like I’m sure it helps!!
Claire how are you today? pre op tomorrow isn’t it? are you ok? have you rang the help line about microduchetomy as I did today and what they said was very interesting and help full!! they are not allowed and never would go on to do masectomy during that procedure as I and think you? were lead to believe as they can not tell enough with out micro bioligy reports which take 10 ish days and they would have to talk through options with us first she was adamant that was the case… she was a breast care nurse …so that has made me feel better and I will not be signing consent form for that …might be worth you asking when you go tomorrow if you feel up to it!!
She also said our breasts should look quite normal after too …unlike how my surgeon let me think…even if they do full duct removal they shouldn’t look too bad and even in event of full duct removal she was quite possitive we wouldn’t see shape changes of any great difference just a faded scar …would be interesting to think she might be right.
How are you feeling about tomorrow are you taking some one with you to listen? are you taking a list of questions? I tried ringing my consultant and his secretary to see whats going on and just got an answer phone so left a message and will try again tomorrow.
Yeah it’s hard when kids are so close in age my 2 have a love hate relationship and my oldest is a real naughty boy .They fight like cat and dog and from when they wake till they sleep it is a real hard slog to get through the day…and youngest I had to take to docs today as he has chicken pox for 3rd yes 3rd time!!! his immune system is terrible and gets everything that goes round and builds up no immunity so is always ill!
FIREMEN you lucky girl how did you swing that? Well hope you got your lucky pants on? Trust you are looking your dazzling best for them LOL go girl xxx
Thanks for your msgs. I hope that your pre op goes OK tomorrow Claire, and will be thinking of you. Louby not sure where you are as yet in your treatment, had scroll through but still not sure, but hope all is OK for now. Definitely advise to talk pen and pad, and writen down any questions that you have, cos you will forget, no matter how trivial they might sound. For my first chemo I had some silly questions, but asked them anyway. Didn’t actually take any notes as was pretty straightforward, but worth taking just in case.
Both your comments do make me laugh … and cheered me up as feeling a little low this evening, not sure why, but it happens. And I want to know why it is always MY dishwasher, MY children, MY washing, MY ironing and never theirs or ours … men are strange creatures aren’t they … always think that it is the womens things … even though most of it is there mess … gotta laugh at em.
Poor you louby with your little one have chicken pox for the 3rd time, my 3 yr old still has not had it at all, even though her friends have nearly all had it. Good job though right now, as probably last thing I need, cos immune system getting a thrasing with chemo.
Claire hope you had some dishy firemen in your house, nothing like a man in uniform I say.
Anyway, take care both of you and hope all goes well tomorrow.
hi all,
oh sweet clare i hope your ok, it will soon be over babe, and they send the tissue to histology thats how they test for bc
my first lot of tar stuff was sent to bacteriology to see if there was an infection, which came bk clear for infection so i couldnt have an abcess lol but would the consult hear that nope he just said i had still had a abcess its just that on the petre dishes nothing fungal grew lol
does he think i,m thick i think so.
my doc is wonderful it is the consult that has been the pain, but event i will get to the core of this, i just wanna break at the mo, next time i see my lady gp she will sort him out,lol
the breast is the one that had an inverted nipple then bout 6 months or so it came out lol think it felt lonely on its own lol
larry is still there today plus of all the days i got a period 1st in 18 months grrrrrh
thought i had finished with them.
on relationships my dear hubby is wonderful, because of my health he really does do everything except the shopping, he is my rock
FIREMEN let me at em,lol oooh strong virile muscles oh the thought lol
clare i will pray your results will be neg and that you will sail through this proceedure
Yes my thoughts are with you tonight claire I hope you are holding up well!!
I am in the same situation as claire dawn! Except my lovely surgeon went on unexpected leave and I am still waiting for my urgent date LOL and same as claire have been lead to believe they won’t or don’t know what it is untill they eye ball it it is in both breasts and have been warned they don’t know how much they will take untill they open me up…claire is yours in both too can not remember?
Meant to say ladies as a update to my earlier post about harrasing my doctor because I took my son and had diff doc to see as mine is also on leave (god all these dr’s do is go on holiday) I mentioned the thrush and said I didnt want to show him as well so he has give me some more stuff and I am hopeful it will work this time …otherwise guess I’ll be dr stalking again!!! comes to something when your spending more time being intimate with your gp than your hubby for a few weeks LOL
Well we have to find the funny side of all these things or we wont go on! Thomas’s chicken pox are so wide spread at the mo he is more pox than boy and my god he is being foul…poor kid has enough to deal with at his age
Hope your ok Claire xxxx
How far down the road are you now dawn …how have you coped …how has the chemo been for you?
It surprises me with men …I bought you and iron was what he said once …get this I refused to use it and since that day I don’t iron and just put clothes away so now he does it hahaha that back fired didn’t it!! was so long ago he now can nt remember why he does the ironing don’t think I will get away with that these days as that was so early on in our relationship he was keen to impress …wish I had been funny about a lot more back then!!! It is annoying picking his pants up when he goes to work every day …if I left my pants laying around I’m sure he would go ape!! It’s when I go stay with the kids for a few days with a friend and I come back and he goes …I tidyied up for you …right because the house was spotless when I left …some one explain to me why he shouldn’t have tidied up after him self??? Don’t get me wrong after 15 years of being together at my age of 30 thats good going and I still love him to bits and I know he adores me but god he makes my blood boil!!!
Any way he bought me some choccy tonight so once again all that weight I lost is slowly being replaced …but it’s like he prefers me that way as he hates me dieting …I don’t know
My story is that I was diagnosed on 16 July with bc, then had to have MRI scan, Bone Scan and CT scan, and got results on 26 July, only to be told had gone to my liver … world fell apart I can tell you, was absolutely shattered. Had been told originally would have mascectomy, but with second diagnosis, straight onto chemo, which I started on 8 August and have my second session on 29 August. So unfortunately not a good tale to tell, but am doing OK and keeping as positive as one can, and my little ones keep me going and show no mercy. I have Sophie who is 4 in December and Jack is 9 months. Something to fight for and fight I will.
Chemo was OK, although was terrified before first lot, but not as bad as feared. Am ok I think about second session, but am sure as next Wednesday looms I may start to get “wobbly” again.
Thank you for asking.
These surgeons do take to much holiday don’t they. I was supposed to wait til 30 July for results as consultant had been assigned to was, guess what, on holiday, but then got me to see someone else.
I do so hope that both of you are OK and the results are not showing cancer, that would be such wonderful news and fantastic for you and your families. This is not a site any of us really want to be on.
Men, can’t live with em (ha ha … love hubby to bits but drives me mad too sometimes, but am a bit short of humour right now and have a bit of short fuse too), definitely can’t live without em! Louby - 15 years together and only 30 - wow that is some fete! I am 39 and been with hubby 7 years, married for 5 this year.
Enjoy your choccy tonight Louby, I just had a few chunks of mine and it was yum.
Well Ladies you have made me laugh tonight… And let me tell you those firemen were SOOOOOOOOO fit. Two of them came in to the house and the rest all sat outside. Hubby was sat there growling as i was sat talking to the all stary eyed and smiles, asking if it would be them who would come and carry me down their ladder if we were on fire lololol. (he was nice and didnt say that they would need a crane he he)
I only lost 1/2 lb tonight but thats not bad as i had pizza and some very nice cakes (2 cream ones) yesterday… oh yes i can eat while crying lol.
Im feeling quite good tonight about going to the hospital but only cos i know not much is getting done tomorrow apart from seeing a nasty needle (dont like them).
LJ my sweet, is there anything you would like me to ask them cos i cant think at the mo, had my pen and paper ready all day but cant think of any questions now the time has come.
Hubby is in my good books today as he has just come in from the shop with chocolate and a bottle of coke (plus 10 cigs, bet that nearly killed him getting them) … there just incase i get weepy later!!!
Oh and had to laugh at my mother tonight. I phoned her on her mobile to tell her about firemen…ohhhh swoon… and she said she is keeping fit and walking with my dad and the dog to loose weight (always says she never eats and on a diet)… colin has just drove past them and dad is stood with the dog and mother is stood in the chippy !!! lololol still laughing about it now lolol