Clarityn before filgrastim injections


Please can you let me know if it ok to take a Clarityn tablet whilst on TCHP chemo? I have the filgrastim injections and on my first treatment I had horrendous bone pain and then a migraine for days. I was told by others on the chats to try clarityn as they were advised of this being helpful. I asked the oncology nurses at my hospital and they hadn’t heard of this. I don’t want to take anything which could interact

I took clarityn all the way through my chemo, and am still taking it on Kadcyla and Letrozole. My BCN hadn’t heard of using it but said it was ok to take

@gromit thank you was you on TCHP as well? Did you find it helped

Hello anb1

Thank you for posting.

It sounds like you are having some difficult side effects from the filgrastim injections you are receiving.

Although there do not appear to be any documented interactions between clarityn (loratadine) and TCHP chemotherapy, and as @gromit12 says, she has been able to take it, but, we would suggest you speak with your treatment team or a hospital pharmacist. They will also be able to advise on other ways to manage the symptoms you have. Most hospitals have a medicines helpline which you can call. You should be able to find the telephone number on your hospital website, or you could ask your chemotherapy nurses to find it for you.

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Breast Care Nurse

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