Clavicle ultra sound and CT abdo/pelvis - getting scared

Hi all and hope you are as well as can be expected.

A quick fill you in - I was dx January last year, grade 3 ductal carcinoma, no lymph node involvement, and hormone +. 28 years old.
I had lumpectomy, chemo (FEC x 6) and rads x 16.

I have just come back from hospital appointment and happened to mention my clavicle (opposite side to op) felt a bit lumpy. Doc had a good feel and says he thinks it will be benign but we should do an ultra sound to make sure.

So does that mean he could feel something, I’m presuming as he thinks it will be benign that he can ? (they also told me when they felt my original lump that at 28 years old that was probably benign too).

Also mentioned that I had been getting pelvic pain and that my period (they continued through chemo) was acting very strangely this month. Kind of started, then stopped then left me with a bizarre pain when I walk, almost like something heavy pushing from the inside out.
He had a good feel a pressed one side causing me to nearly jump through the roof, very painful ! He carried on feeling in a circular motion as if he was feeling a lump or something.
Anyway he wrote me up for a CT scan abdo / pelvis but didin’t really say what he was expecting and of course his hand writing was shocking and I couldn’t make a word of it out, Obviously mets ?

I was told from the start that as there was no lymph nodes involved that I would probably go onto live a healthy life after treatment but surely this isn’t always the case.
Has anyone else had secondaries with no lymph node involvment from the start.

I have to wait around 2 weeks for the scans and then prob another 2 - 3 weeks for the results. I’m getting married in 7 weeks so am getting a tad worried.

I’m accepted the first lot of cancer and was ready to fight it but all I ask is for me to be able to get married. Any treatment I made need after that - BRING IT ON !

Sorry to go, great need for advice right now,


Mandy xxx

H Mandy

I’m not surprised you’re feeling scared and I really hope you can get the scans quickly and get good news. Try to push for quicker results than 2/3 weeks…It might even be worth considering private scans (a CT scan costs about £700. I can’t think of anything more nightmarish than waiting weeks for results so near to your wedding.

In answer to your question…yes in about a third of cases breast cancer spreads even when there is no initial lymph node involvement. Cancer can spread through the blood as well as the lymph system.

I so hope you have some good news for your wedding and whatever have a joyful day to remember.

very best wishes



I don’t really know what to say except that I really hope it isn’t bad news for you and I’ll be thinking of you. The waiting is sooooo hard.
