clear watery nipple discharge

Hi,this is my first time at posting a message,i have a clear watery discharge from my right nipple and a small lump,im so worried
Thanks xx

Hi Chestnut,I obviously am going to advise you to see your GP because you need to know what is going on.I don,t know how old you are,so it could be hormonal.Either way, Chestnut,go to your doctor and ask for referral to Breast Clinic.Best of Luck to you.


Hi Chestnut

Hope you are ok and have been off to see your GP with your worries. I believe no discharge should be left unchecked. Hoping yours is just hormonal.


Hi Chestnut,hope you have been to your GP.You shouldn,t be sitting at home worrying all alone.Please send a post,anytime,if you want to discuss anything.

Thinking of you,

Ann xx

Chestnut posted on the above thread with a happy outcome - hopefully I can do likewise after my appointment 9.30am tomorrow!

Hi all & thank you,had a mammogram & ultrasound and all is clear,going back to doctor in a couple of weeks as still have discharge when lump is lightly squeezed,he said it might be a cyst,i would like the doctor to see the discharge and feel the lump this time,as neither has been seen.
Thanks to all xxx