I have a recurrence or possibly a new primary in my Axilla. So I have been told the lump will be removed and a clearance done as my axilla is small. Then she said she would feel the lymph nodes when operating at the next visit to presumably decide re removal. I am thinking of getting a second opinion as I wonder if a clearance is needed. I have been told there is no cancer in my lymph nodes after having a CT scan. Has anyone had a clearance or heard of this as they have a small axilla (under arm)? Thanks.
If you are on Facebook there is a really
Good group called combined strategies- research for an end to breast cancer. It posts the latest studies and there are a few relating to the latest on node removal - showing it often has no survival benefit. It might be worth finding the studies and discussing with your team. It is emerging research so sometimes you have to advocate for yourself a bit.
Good luck.
Hi @Linda_Corinne
My scan showed 2 positive lymph nodes but it turned out to be 5. So I was happy that they did a full clearance. So far, I haven’t got any problems with my arm (18 months ago). Just wondered if u would feel better knowing that they are all removed anyway?
I had one lymph node show on ultrasound and had 35 removed of which 10 were positive a surprise to everyone so very glad I had the clearance!