clinic appointment

Iv been having a very positive week, iv joined the gym, lost 2 pounds at weights watchers, and set a quit date to stop smoking on Monday. But came home from work to a letter for my clinic appointment, Tuesday 27th March

I feel like iv went into a bit of a panic, im soo scared, the clinic is a ‘one stop shop’ and apparently all test will be carried out on Tuesday and I will also receive the results there and then. I think thats great cause waiting for this appointment has been hard enough, waiting again for results would probably drive me crazy. Im trying hard to focus on the positive, and hope that im one of the lucky ones, but im so scared that I wont be.
Either way I feel my life is going to change on Tuesday

Just keep that positive vibe going hun. As for the smoking thing, i used to smoke, if you havent already, get yourself the Alan Carr stop smoking book via amazon, its brilliant, read the reviews, it helped me and literally thousands of others stop smoking.

Its not the alan carr chatty man! Lol

thanks, iv heard that book is good, ill download it at the weeknd. Thanks