
I (43f) got called back after my first first mammogram for an Ultrasound to look a 1.6 cm mass on the right breast. My mammogram indicated that I had extremely dense breast tissues. My ultrasound results are as follows

ultrasound of the right breast demonstrates an 18 x 19
x 8 mm hypoechoic mass at 12:30 2 cm from the nipple, which corresponds
with the mammographic abnormality. The margins of the mass are ill-defined
and mildly irregular. Targeted ultrasound the right axilla demonstrates
normal-appearing right axillary lymph nodes.
ACR BI-RADS code: 4A - Suspicious - Low Suspicion for Malignancy

Radiologist looked at the ultrasound and said the mass looks like a fibroadenoma, but the edges were not well defined. So a biopsy is recommended. The other alternative is repeat ultrasound 6, 12 and 24 months. I was told my cancer risk was less than 5%.

I really don’t want to do the ultra sound but I am also not comfortable with thought what if I am sitting on a yet to be diagnosed cancer.

I am sacred and clueless on what to do. I would appreciate any input on my situation . TIA.

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Hi @sensitiveyam

Thanks for posting.

We hear form many people who feel scared when they are called back for a biopsy following a screening mammogram.

Fibroadenomas are common benign (not cancer) breast condition. It sounds as though the radiologist has recommended a biopsy to confirm this, with the ultrasound as an alternative option. While it is reassuring that you have been told your cancer risk is less than 5% it’s understandable that you feel uncomfortable with the ultrasound scans and wondering about breast cancer.

Deciding which is the right option is a very personal decision, you may find it helpful to talk this through with someone at the hospital. You can call the breast or screening unit and ask to speak to a breast care nurse, or the radiologist to discuss you concerns. They will be able to advise based on your individual circumstances.

You may also find it helpful to talk to others who have been through something similar, as @Jill1998 has suggested.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

If you would prefer one of our nurses to call you. To do this, please complete this form ticking the box agreeing to a call back.

Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm and 9am -1pm on Saturday.

Out of hours you can leave a message and we will call you back when we next open.

Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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