CMF any better?

Just wondering if there is light at the end of the tunnel? I’ve just had the second cycle of Epi and have 2 more then 4 x CMF. Any one know if it is easier than epi? It would be nice to think it will get easier! I am going back to work on Monday as a teacher and am trying to psyche myself up to do some marking and prep but still dont feel much like brainwork after the epi last Friday. Any advice?

Love Ruth


Go easy on yourself and think about having some days off sick.

Take care


Hi Ruith,
I have had 4 EPI and have just had my 3rd cycle of CMF so only one more to go. I have found the CMF much better than the EPI. I have had more energy and have been able to have a more “normal” lifestyle being able to do everyday things much better. It does have side effects but in my experience not as severe as the EPI. I echo what Jane has said though, I really do not think you should push yourself, as your energy levels may be better but you still have to rest and take care of yourself. Hope this has helped a little.

Hi Ruth
Do not usually come on this forum but have tonight. Nice to meet another Ruth.
I started my chemo 12th Jan 2006 so nearly 2 years ago. It was strange because i found epi relatively easy, my mate who was in the next bed to me during surgery found epi just unbearable. I found CMF awful she found it a doable incomparison to Epi.
When we have chemo we learn to cope and adjust. I have irritable bowel and could not tolerate CMF tablets so the last 2 i had it all by injection. CMF i found dragged a bit. YOU will though soon be out of it all and getting on with your life.

Hey though hun quit the work. I was a nursery nurse and was advised to quit becasue i would pick up infections if i didnt. thankfully i got no infections and only one delay in treatement of a week because of a low neut count.

Will be looking out for you and hoping you are ok


Hi to another Ruth

There seem to be a lot of us with bc!

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I promise to take it easy at work. I will try it and see how it goes as i can’t stand the thought of another 3 months off stuck at home with Jeremy Vine and homes under the hammer. Even moody 14 year olds have their appeal when compared to the daytime tv slots!

All the best
Ruth in wales


I was on the Epi - CMF regime. The Epi was truly awful but the CMF much easier. I had some side effects, worse one being diarrohea on the final 2 cycles but took Kaolin and Morphine and that did the trick.

Just think when you are on the CMF you are on the home straight - hurrah!


Giving this a nudge for those who are just starting EPI/CMF It was a great relief for me to find how different everyone was. I was beating myself up thinking I was a wimp the EPI was sooo bad and others were ok but now on first cycle of CMF and feel totally different - hello world I have missed you.
Luv to all
Mags xx

I have had four doses of Epi and was hospitalised twice due to infections and dvt which I think was brought on by my hickman line which I had removed eventually. Now I am about to have my third cycle of cmf tomorrow and my second dose of herceptin so its a long day, as I have to stay for 2hrs after the herceptin to make sure I dont have a reaction. I have found the cmf a lot easier as I dont have any nausea which is great, although I did get a bad bout of diarrhoea which immodium didnt touch and after 3 days of severe stomach cramps I called in the doctor who diagnosed codeine which was great but I had to watch I didnt go the other way. The tips about the kaoline and morphine look good so I shall try that if it happens again. Ir certainly helps to know of any side effects so that you can be prepared if they hit you and you dont feel so alone, knowing this may happen after certain drugs. I have found the last week I have been more tired, but I have been going out a lot whilst I can, so I think thats probably why I am napping more.
Hope this helps some of you

Annabelle xxx

I found Epi easier as it was once every 3 weeks - I felt normal for 2 weeks and just felt a bit tired the week I had the Epi chemo. Cmf for me was worse because I had to go two weeks running then two weeks off and I had the C Part as a tablet for 14 days which was horrible. I actually went to work during the 2 weeks I had the chemo tablet and my body just felt awful. Only plus side of Cmf was that I was in hospital for less time - on Epi I was there the whole day as i used to cold Cap - which worked a treat.