
Hi, I have finished epi and start cmf next week, just interested to know how others have found this treatment. Advice welcome!

Hi missdebbers

Glad to hear that you’ve finished epi. I am on the same treatment. I finished my epi at the beginning of last month and have already had my 1st double dose of cmf. It’s back to the chemo unit on Monday for my 2nd lot. I’m just hoping that my 2nd lot is as good as my 1st. The se’s were pretty minimal, just a bit of nausea for the first couple of days but no fuzzy headedness or heartburn or even sore mouth. I hope that it is as good to you. I’ve managed lots of shopping trips this month, plus a theatre trip and my work’s Xmas party. There is already a thread with a few on us on called ‘any good buddies starting chemo 9 Oct’ or something like that. We are all on the Tact2 trial but on different arms, so some are on Xeloda tablets instead of the cmf but most of us are at a similar stage to you. Please feel free to join us.


Hi Miss and Jackie

I had mine both at the same time but i was never sick, tired and lots of strange aches in my feet and legs but apart from that it wasn’t half as bad as I expected for me.

Thank you so much for your comments, I had my first cmf yesterday and I’m I feeling great, no side effects like I had with the epi, long may it continue!

Hi Missdebbers, just a note of caution. I was hoodwinked into thinking CMF was much easier as there were no horrible side effects compared to epi … but I’ve had a spell in hospital with neutropenic sepsis, as well as lots of infections, since the second doses and now my treatment has been slowed down to allow me to recover (1 dose of cmf then two weeks off like epi). It could be because I felt so much better I started doing lots again which made me more prone to infection, or it could be that it is affecting our bodies in more ‘silent’ ways. Of course I could be turning into a paranoid mess as well !!! :slight_smile:

S x

Hi - I finished my epi-cmf about 1 year ago. I did find the cmf went on and on (I was on TACT2 and had the accelerated epi.)

Two things I did find with CMF - wind both upwards and downwards to an embarressing extent - very stinky (after one cycle) and a sore tongue from the pills, I did try to swallow quickly with lots of water but still had a very sore bleeding patch - sucking icecubes (I made them with ginger ale) really helped.

The main thing is that you do get through it and my hair started to grow back 4 weeks in.

Be kind to yourself, try to do a little gentle exercise (it actually helps with the fatigue) and good luck


Hi, thank god that somebody else didn’t really take to the cmf, i’m just about to finish mine on friday 9th, tho i still have the tablets for another 7 days after that, i was fine until the last cycle, haven’t really had many problems or side effects with epi or cmf, but feeling a little uncomfortable with the tablets, i’ve tried every combination going, after food, before food, take your anti sickness, been there and done that but i find that i’ve lost my appetite all together and i have been prone these past few weeks to a chest infection. to be honest i prefered the ept to the cmf, though i’m due to start rads soon so i suppose theres another chapter to be added to this experience, having chemo hasn’t stopped me from doing anything to be honest, i’ve worked right through, had no sickness etc, though i know i’ve been one of the lucky ones, everyone is different and some will find the cmf better than the epi, me, i’d prefer a vodka anyday :=) Pauline x