Is anyone else an emotional wreck on CMF? I had my first session a week ago and have been really tired, and for the last couple of days wanting to cry at the drop of a hat - this is not me at all and I wondered if anyone else had the same problems?


I am on CMF and my last one is this Friday. It does make you very tearful for a couple of days - I have found this happens after every treatment usually a few days later! Then it’s the upset tummy, the constipation, the sore throat and mouth ulcers…then back to normal!! It’s been a huge emotional roller coaster ride and I wish I could tell you that it settles down but I feel like an emotional wreck and this is the last one…it makes you feel very vulnerable!! Hope all goes ok and your nerves settle down a bit. Good Luck

thank you Julie, didn’t know about the sore throat but been through epirubicin and the constipation and upset tummy are nothing compared to that! At least if I know I am going to be a wreck, then I can cope with it, it’s the notion that it’s just me being a wuss that’s disconcerting. Being able to blame the chemo gets me off a load of hooks hehe! Good luck for Friday - will that be it for you?


Hi Kriss

Yeah hopefully that will be it. I had a double mastectomy in June after a very early diagnosis and started Chemo 5 weeks after. The next part for me is Tamoxifen (Oh bring on the hot sweats and menopausal problems!) for 5 years and we see the consultant at the end of November so I assume that is when they will start that. I have a morning in hospital probably week after next to have my portacath taken out (Can’t wait for that to happen)!!. It’s a weird feeling knowing that its the last one so I am a bit apprehensive but I can’t wait for hairgrowth!!!

Hi Julie

good luck with the portacath, I have started hair growth with a vengeance! My hair seems to be a bit more every day, it’s now about half an inch long - but I can’t do a thing with it!! Honestly it grows in all directions, all wavy and everyone says it will come in curly - can’t wait to see that, and only hope the hair on my head does the same - hehe

I’ve got Tamoxifen too at the end of the day, but that will be in the new year. Let’s face it tho - it will be a dawdle compared to what has gone before!!

Take care

Kriss x