Quick query - I have a summer cold and am very worried that they will cancel by surgery that I am due to have on tuesday. Is thisa realpossibility or am I just being worry wort I am not sure how I will cope with surgery being delayed when I want this ‘alien’ gone!
Ni had a slight cold and they still did operation, maybe ring them in the morning.
… I felt it was worth the risk as unless cold is on your chest very badly, they said to me they were happy to proceed.
Take some of that berroca stuff today. drink lots of fluids. Hot steamy baths it stop it going to your chest.
good lluck
ps for me, surgery and recovery were the best bit so far! have recently had fifth round of chemo. One more to goo. Then radiotherapy. You can do this! Hope you won’t need chemo or rads, but if you do, they are easier then you would think!
Hi Andief67, I thought I had a cold when I had my WLE in Jan, the anaesthetist assured me that I’d have to be really ill before they’d consider cancelling an op. As Rara says best give them a ring, the thing they worry about is a chesty cold. Best of luck, hope it all goes well on Tuesday, Pat x
Thank you for the advice! At hospital thispm for my injection it is just a cold not on my chest so have everything crossed they will do it. I dont know if I need further treatment yet -will cross that bridge when I come it it!! just find it so difficult to get my head around the fact that I am not ill but I am going to be so rough over the next couple of weeks… I cant wait to get this alien out though.
Thank u for your advice and kind words of encouragement take care all and I hopits a good day for u all
Andie xxx I