Cold cap hair loss

I used the cold cap and it was successful-just lost a handful of hair each day. However, my last chemo was 14 sept and I’m still losing a handful each day! Has anyone else had this experience? Will I end up losing all of my hair anyway?

Hi @BabyBunting  ,

I am about a year further on than you on this unhappy journey. We all react differently to treatment so I can only share my experience. My chemo was limited to 9 x weekly paclitaxel which finished mid-October 2020. I cold capped and lost very little hair during chemo and also still had eyebrows and lashes at the end. But despite continuing the same regime (washing it only twice a week In lukewarm water, no hairdryer etc) I lost more after treatment stopped. The shedding post treatment got worse until around the turn of the year when it finally slowed, so about 3 months after the last chemo. I probably lost around 40% in the end, but it was thinning rather than any bald patches and I do not think anyone would have noticed apart from me. A year on I have a slightly fluffy look as new hair is still shorter than what survived, and is a bit wavy. I also lost brows and lashes completely soon after treatment finished (hid that behind fringe and glasses!). In my view all the losses were due to new hair being stimulated to grow and pushing out the old. Lashes had barely gone when a perfect line of tiny new ones appeared, and were definitely almost normal by 18 December when I attended a family wedding. 

I had a year of Herceptin treatment finishing this August. You don’t say what treatment you had but if it’s similar another thing to mention is that for me regrowth seems much faster now that’s finished.

Don’t lose hope!