Cold Cap Treatment

Hi Everyone,
I have just finshed 6 FEC T and used the cold cap for all 6. I lost very little on FEC and my hair thinned on tax but it is still here and doesn’t look too bad. Like Finty I have a sopt where it is thinner than the rest but changed my parting. As I have lost an eyebrow, having a fringe is useful. For me it was really worth the extra time on the ward.
Good luck with it and please go easy on the straighteners!

may i ask? did any of you have my experience when washing it, it went into a ‘dreadlock’ and matted together,… wonder if it was because i had my head over the bath? oh i dont no but what i do know is that i wont be doing THAT again

good luck to all
love and hugs

Morning Ladies and thanks for butting in notbreastfriend as stories like your are fantastic and of reassurance. Well done for getting through it. Right ladies we will carry on with the cold cap and look forward to posting same results when we finish our FECs and TAX. Your are all offering great support thanks ladies. Better get in shower ready for FEC2. Maybe not need to keep Portacath wounds dry so it will have to be the bath… Have a good day x

I cut my hair just below my ears…and wash it in the shower and it has been ok so far…fingers crossed. I am more concerned about my heart burn at the moment!! Another side effect!!
Sarah x

morning ladies,

well im going to wash hair again today, and after mondays experience, im going to use ‘simple shampoo’ and do it the the shower and not over the bath,
please keep fingers crossed for me,

i wil let you know how it goes


Morning Smortiboys and Donna I come on here to set me up for the day as you all cheer me up and make me laugh. Know we all have bad days but at least we have each other for support. Had my FEC 2 yesterday and nearly gave up on the cold cap as it was not nice yesterday, but it got better. My hair is starting to drop out but oncology nurse was very impressed at how little as she didnt notice any difference. I know I should not really wash it today but decided I need to have a cut to tidy it up and am hoping to go out tonight with my Partner, have these tickets to see Jo Brown which I purchased as Anniversary present last year (~before this started)! Going to chance both as need to get out. By the way FEC2 has been a lot kinder to me than FEC 1 - hope I haven’t spoken too soon!!! Have hair day ladies x Adi

Hey ladies!
Glad fec two was ok. I have been tired this week and a bit down. I think this is the hardest thing that I have ever done but I know it will end soon! I live by the sea and its been really sunny today which made me smile. Feel like I am putting weight on too but I am eating alot more fruit and veg!
Lost some hair today but I am getting used to it! Just longing for the day that I can forget about the big c.
Sarah x

good morning ladies,

well i washed my hair in the shower yesterday and used simple shampoo and conditioner, well all i can say is YIPPIEEEEEEEE, no tangles no tears and tantrums, just a few loose strands,i could kick myself for my last experience, but i will learn from that just wish i could turn back time then i wouldnt of lost so much on monday…
take care all

love and hugs

Hi Ladies,

Woo Hoo Donna, quite a change in your posting from your last hair washing session :slight_smile:

Had FEC 2 yesterday and as nurse was putting the water and conditioner on quite a bit of my hair came out, luckily its very thick, but she said she would leave me with cap on for an extra hour at end of chemo so had to sit there for three hours, my poor OH has to be the most patient man in the world but he has now been roped in to hang up the IV bags in the ward as so many of the chemo nurses are too short…he is just a big old flirt really!

I too have to admit i found the cap tougher on FEC2 than one maybe because my hair has gone finer.

Keep it up ladies, i still think its worth it!

Love Sal x

hello ladies,

Sal… well done on FEC 2 yesterday, hope the se’s are good to you,my unit keep the cold cap on me for 2 hours post the E, then switch it off and leave it for 10mins, my hair is fine, but i still think its worth the extra time being there im sure if id not used the cap it would of all gone by now,bless your hubby for helping out on the ward, bet he loves the uniform !!!

take care all
love and hugs

Glad FEC 2 went ok. My hair has gone very fine too…I can feel the cold now! Can I ask do you put anything on your hair before you pop the cold cap on?
Ta, Sarah x

Morning Ladies hope you all doing ok. FEC 2 keeps me awake! When I have cold cap I have to dampen my hair and then load it with lots of conditioner. But it is getting very thin. Think may have to get Miss Wig out today! Best of luck x Adi

smortiboys, at my hospital they put on masses of conditioner. Getting the hair wet helps to cool the scalp and putting the conditioner helps to protect the hair itself while still allowing the cold to do its magic.

Thanks ladies. My hair is starting to thin on top but only I can tell at the moment!

Sarah x

Havent been able to post a comment in ages! Hope all you ladies are doing well. I am half way through now as I have just had fec 3. Doing ok…losing hair each day but no one can tell. My wig lady told me to go away! So just keeping my fingers crossed! x


I hope you don’t mind me joining your forum. I also had cold cap on FEC 1, my hair is coming out quite a lot at the moment. I have been washing every 3 days roughly and putting plenty of conditioner on, i have very thick hair which is a lot thinner but still looks fine. Not sure how much more i can afford to lose before it gets noticed. I am finding hair everywhere. I have my 2nd FEC tomorrow and was a little concerned it might be worse as hair is now thinner. It great to find people that are trying this so i can compare notes. I was going to try a leave on hydrating/strenghtening conditioner tonight to see if it helps. I am also getting sensitive scalp in places.



Your experience is exactly the same as mine (I am having 2nd fec tomorrow).

I have lost loads of hair but people I trust tell me other people would not notice. I will use the cold cap tomorrow but I think if I keep losing hair at this rate I probably wont bother for fec 3. I have been using a PH neutral shampoo every 4 days and avoiding blowdrying etc. I am getting a wig on Friday so depending on how it looks I might not be so worried about losing my hair.

I think I have been lucky though, because at least my scalp is not hurting.

Good luck tomorrow.

Lynn x

I don’t think using conditioner will make a lot of difference since it is the hair follicles which are being attacked by the drugs and not the actual hair itself.

In my hosspital they poo-pooed the use of a cold cap and nobody was offered it (that was 2008) but I have heard that another hospital in the area is now offering them and there has been some success.

Hi, I think there are two types of cold cap, the older style freezes caps which are then put on your head and when they start to warm up it is replaced by another frozen cap. The newer type uses a machine to freeze the cap and keep it frozen whilst on your head. From what I have been told, the newer style works a lot better than the old style.

I have only had 1 lot of chemo so far (2nd today) so it is too early to say if the cold cap will work for me but so far it seems to be reasonably sucessful.

Best wishes, Lynn x

My BCN said that her experience of the cold cap in the hospital I go to was that about 60% of people didn’t lose their hair.
I gave it a go but wasn’t one of the fortunate ones, mine started coming out and I got a receding hairline a couple of weeks after the 1st treatment, mine was the new style cap with constant refridgeration. My hair was in very good condition, one of my best assets but I did have naturally quite fine hair so it was obvious and then I shaved it off, not easy but at least I give it a shot.

You may not believe me, but it isn’t TOO bad once you get used to it - honestly.