Cold Cap

H nutty75 i have the fec on the first 3 treatments had 2 already they told me it was the e drug in the fec that makes the hair come out so im hoping it will slow down ive got one more fec then swap to taxoteire i think. its all so bloomin confusing xx

Hi Angela

I didn’t have long hair but a bob style and I did have cut a bit shorter. I have heard that cutting long hair does work better if you plan to use the cold cap. I did try it on my first chemo session but my hair still started coming out after a few weeks so I decided not to use it after that. I used to colour my hair but it is not advisable and I stopped straight away. I finished chemo a few months ago, my hair is slowly growing back but I don’t plan to colour it for quite a long time. I still wear my wig and feel very comfortable in it. Have you thought about getting a wig yet?

Hi Marli and everyone - just thought I’d give an up date on my hair - I had chemo 5 last week and still have hair ?. It thinned a lot - but with the help of some wow hair cover and the brown dry hair shampoo i have been able to hide my thin/ bald patches and by keeping my hair long ish (just below shoulders) I’m able to keep in a pony tail . People tell me they wouldn’t notice . I’ve had 3 tax and 2 Fec . I also keep it in a low pony tail when I go to bed - I’m still losing a little everyday but I’ve been really pleased I tried the cold cap. Good luck to everyone else xx

Hi there!
I finished chemo (6xFEC) on 1st October and used the cold cap on each session. I have to say that I found it really hard, but, persevered and am really glad I did. I reckon I lost about 70% of my hair (which was shoulder length but I had about 2 inches trimmed off). After the first 2 sessions it felt like the cap wasn’t working as my hair was coming out in handfuls - I remember being a passenger in my friends car in the summer and I had to ask her to put the windows up as I could literally see hairs blowing away! However, the loss slowed and with the aid of a wide stretchy headband (they’re often advertised as yoga headbands) I managed to cover the most sparse bits (across the top of my head). And for evenings out I’ve got lots of long narrow scarves to tie over the headband. For me, it meant that people who don’t know me didn’t instantly know I had cancer - and even people who do know questioned it it was my own hair or a wig!! From about session 5 my hair started to grow back in and I reckon now the re-growth is about 2 inches long. I did read that hair can grow back in quicker and stronger after using the cap - and it definitely seems to be the case with me. Like lots of people it’s growing in with more than my fair share of grey (which I hated) but I’ve twice now used an ‘8 wash’ colour and all seems ok. I would definitely recommend using the cap - but persevere - it might well feel like it’s not working but it’s incredible how much hair can come out without bring too noticeable! Good luck xxxxx

Hi ladies im about to have my 4th chemo which is first tax had 3 fec already and have used cold cap every time up to now i still have have but very thin and patchy at back. On top its nearly all gone but will try it again on tue.
I now have a wig which is identical to my own hair which i wear for going out in.

That’s great to hear sundhiney. I’m cold capping, hair thinned after FEC 1 do got my wig in a panic but no loss after fec2 (4 weeks ago) FEC 3 on Friday 2 jan after a delay caused by infection. Fingers crossed hair stays put!

I’m going on to 12 x paclitaxel and onc said I shouldn’t lose hair on this but other info I’ve read says hair loss is inevitable. Can I cope with cold capping weekly? Watch this space!

Riverside Dawn, I cold capped weekly for 6 paclitaxel and it honestly wasn’t too bad. By going weekly you do get more used to it and counting down sessions seems to go quickly. Hated my hair when I finished as it was so thin and lifeless, had a wig but didn’t wear it as didn’t seem to sit right with my hair.
However, three weeks after last chemo had hair cut really short and felt much better. Don’t really like the style as my face is too fat at the moment with all the extra chemo weight for this style but at least it looks tidy, I can wash and dry it normally and it doesn’t look like I have just finished chemo.
Looking forward to being able to colour it soon, so if you can put up with it its def worthwhile. Going to make a determined effort to lose the excess weight once my rads finish tomorrow and 8 weeks post chemo my lashes and brows are starting to reappear xx

I managed number three cold cap on Friday and wasn’t as bad as others. The worst thing is it drags the treatment time out. Hair is hanging In there, looks ropey by normal standards but I’ve still got a ponytail. Cross fingers for day 10-17 when I expect ant loss to come x

Hi Leyanne, I’ve had my hair cut to a bob too so I can do a comb over to hide the thinning crown. Make sure you get a really good fit next time especuly on top.

Can’t advise on hair regrowth as I’m not there yet but I would definitely keep your bob so you can hide the top, and think about going shorter when regrets happens so you blend it in.

Hi leyanne - I’ve just finished my 6 cycles of Fec-t - I have kept my hair just below shoulder length - it is thin and I am hiding bald patches - but I think I’m going to leave mine and see what happens- I really didn’t want to be bald - and I think once it starts to grow I can clip new hair back. It hopefully won’t be too long to wait before it can be tied back in a pony tail . From what I’ve read cold cappers hair grows back quite quickly - fingers crossed xx

Hi there just reading your posts im about to have my 5th treatment with the cold cap glad ive done it i had dark brown hair past shoulder i have cut it to shoulder length and i have lost it on top and back of head but glad ive still got some left . I wear a hat when i cant be bothered to wear my wig, and like some of you said once your past the first 15 mins or so i too get used to it and doesnt feel that cold. Keep going it can be done good luck xxxxx

I had my first FEC on 29/12/14 and never lost anything until 2days before second FEC on 19/01/15. It is coming out as I run my fingers through it and feel significantly thinner in 3 days. The nurse said she couldn’t see any abald patches, so I will persevere and cross my fingers. It is my first real side effect of the treatment so I suppose I shoudn’t complain and I knew it was coming but I was still quite upset when it happened.
I am due to getmy hair cut before my next cycle and I am considering getting it cut above my shoulders, but I know that will drive me nuts. I know everyone is different but there is o where that says what length is best. Or indeed which conditioner is best. The Naked one was suggested but I don’t why.

Does anyone know the length of hair that is best and any information on the conditioners for cold capping?

Hi, I started my first fec-t (6 sessions) on January 15th using the cold cap. Last night my head was so itchy, is this the start of hair loss? Is there anything you can use to calm it? I am using the paxman cold cap machine, shampoo and conditioner.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for this I will have a look on the site you suggested.
I was advised not to use cap yestetday as may get frost bite now. Time for an even closer crop for me as expect rest going to fall out inspite folliing advise about gentle shampoo etc
Redgen … on a positive note there was women on the chemo unit yesterday who was on her 5th treatment who still had a full head of hair!
I think just depends on individual biology. Cold cap works tor some hair types not others. For me definately prolonged the hair loss till EC 3.
Good Luck girls.

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If I start balding when old capping can I wear a hat, also outside to protect my head from the sun. I know I may lose more by wearing a hat but if I have noticeable bald spots I don’t want them to show. I just want it to grow back when I’m done. I have a lot of hair but it is already thin and fine without chemo

Hi Ccann, yes it is advisable to wear a hat to protect your hair and scalp. You may want to wear a hairnet in bed to prevent catching of pulling your hair at night. You can also get wide head bands to cover any patches.

Hello everyone X just wondered if anyone had any tips for greasy hair after cold capping please? My fringe looks stuck to my forehead and I need a fringe lol xxx

Hi folks I had 1st fec nearly 2 weeks ago (b 2 weeks on Monday) I have heard that u cld shed 2 weeks after 1st I cold capped but since last night I have had an aching scalp like if u tie yr ponytail too tight is this normal ? Or does it mean that’s what happens b4 it sheds just trying to prepare myself thanks for any advice :heart: Lynn xx

Hi lynnw, yes that feeling is normal, you may start shedding some hair for a few days. Don’t be disheartened you won’t lose all of it, just be gentle with it, most of us thinned all over without bald patches. Sending virtual positive vibes x