Cold Cap

Hi riversidedawn thanks I was thinking God maybe cold cap didn’t work & it’s all been for nothing ! I think yr more paranoid than anything else the slightest tingle & yr thinking the worst fingers crossed its ok :heart: Xxx

Absolutely, I managed to cold cap 14 times - 11 of those were weekly, tough but glad I did it! A year on and my hair is thicker and better condition than ever.

Well that’s good to know I have had tingling etc but it’s still there !! After u thin does the tingling etc stop or does it continue throughout till chemo is finished ? Xxx

In my experience the tingling just lasts for a few days before the hair sheds then it goes away.

Ok does that just happen the once for initial shed ? & subsequent shedding it doesn’t ? Sorry for asking daft questions, just waiting for ‘the 1st shed’ & hope it’s not too severe !! Xx

Hi Claire thanks so much for that, I’m same just cldnt face being totally bald either & to be that brave is truly humbling. I just wanted to to try & look as normal as I cld. I’m just waiting on 1st shed to start & pray it’s not too severe. I’m trying to think cold cap is only 4hrs every 3 weeks, a horrible 4hrs but doable (just). Thank you :heart: XXXX

I really, really wanted the Cold Cap to work for me and I’m glad to read that for so many people it did. My problem is I have curly hair and that is why it didn’t work.

I used it for my first 2 chemo cycles (really painful for the first 5 mintues but after that just uncomfortable and annoying!) - after my 2nd cycle my hair really started falling out which I was expecting but, as it is curly, it doesn’t fall out as straight hair would, it just clings to the rest of my hair. Consequenly I ended up with matted lumps that no amount of conditioner or gentle combing (hubby did his best) - or anything could help.
I’m not bothering for the 3rd cycle as what little hair I have left isn’t worth keeping and the pain and annoyance factor of the CC simply isn’t worth it for me.
So, ladies with curly hair, you have been warned. I hope it is a different experience for you but this was mine and if I had known in advance I wouldn’t have put myself through the CC experience at all.