Cold caps and hair loss

Seen the onc today… he looked at my hair, or rather what there is of it, and said it’s up to me! Went to see the nurses on oncology and they will look at it on Monday (chemo Tuesday) and help me make the decision about whether to continue with the cold cap. So many friends have told me to just be done with it and embrace my baldness!!

Meantime, Onc has noted that my bloods are low … and will probably get lower, so he thinks the injection to boost my bloods is a good idea … so I make all the scheduled dates. I asked if I could have it cos I want this over with as quick as poss. Down side is flu like symptoms … you know, if they gave you anything that made you feel good, I think I’d faint!

LOL Angielav, I just ache a little from the injection not flu like. I think you get the benefit from recovering quicker so def worth it.

I think the decision on the cold cap is so hard as some people really have some great success. For me it wasn’t worth it as my hair looked so awful that I had to wear my wig and the shedding was driving me nuts.

My plan is to have hair extensions when my hair starts to grow back. I have read about something called Hair in Recovery, Racoon have teamed up with Macmillan and have specially trained hair dressers to help women who have experienced medical hair loss. The cost is subsidised, I plan to find out more when I’m ready.

Good luck with your decision. I hope everyone else is feeling ok

Smiles xx

I agree, the shedding is the worst … and I am wearing my wig pretty much most of the time, or at least some form of head covering. The only reason to continue is I still have a fringe, bits at the side and back so its visible under a bandana. But if its all gonna go I may as well stop the painful 4 hours now … and its so uneven, that I’ve been advised its probably better to get rid of it and start again … then at least you get even growth! Just putting off what I know is the inevitable I think …

It may sound odd but I actually felt better when i decided to shave what was left off. I looked better as well although I clung to those wisps as long as I could! I got fed up of the hair all over the place. Even my dog had a hairball! It has come back but so curly!!

Loupylou - How long since your last cycle? I’ve heard it comes back curly for most but as it grows the curl drops. Is it thicker than it was before?

I also felt better once I’d shaved it but I know what you mean Angilav, the fringe makes all the difference doesn’t it.
You can actually buy fringes for scarves, I have no idea what they look like but may be worth a try.

Smiles x

Hi Smiles … just been to a wig demo at the Haven … she had Halo wigs … fringe sides back but nothing in the middle - like a monk! Tried one with a bandana and it looked fantastic and so cool … going to the shop tomorrow to buy one for the gym etc . She also had wigs of all shapes and sizes and lace wigs … aren’t they amazing … expensive but you def get what you pay for . It’s changed my outlook on keeping the bit I have left … not so worried now. x

By the way, her website is:

Hi Smiles, I finished my chemo at the end of Feb, 4 AC/4 Tax. It came back white, then turned dark grey and white and now the curly sheep look is starting. It’s still very short. Because I had quite long hair I’m panicking it’s not very thick and it’s not growing as fast as I would like!! I’m wondering now when and if I should colour it. I’m 45 so not ready to give into the grey just yet! X

Hi Luopylou!
Same here!!! I finished Chemo in February and my hair is still very short and sparse on the top! I still have to wear a wig as I do not feel comfortable with the way I look. Mine also was very white when it started growing and then turned brown/grey and I can’t wait to dye it. I soooo look like my dad now lol
I am 43 and I’m also not ready to give into to grey, but you can still see the skin on top of my head and I’m worried I might damage what little hair is coming out. BCN not too concerned, said that some women can take up to 6 months after chemo to start a normal hair growth… sgrunt… told me to wait before starting to dye it.

Hi Debs, it’s a heck of a shock isn’t it? Lots of people are telling me that it looks great but I don’t know if they’re humouring me because I’ve been bald or maybe I am meant to look like Sean the sheep lol! My sister is a specialist nurse in the breast care unti where I’m getting treated to I daren’t go and have mine coloured or my life won’t be worth living!! They say the vegetable dyes are safe but the colour doesn’t always come out like it looks on the box. For the first time in 30 odd years I’m too chicken just to slap anything on my hair!! Roll on my fringe ( as long as it’s not flipping curly!!) Lou x

Ha ha ha Lou you’re funny :slight_smile:

May I ask if you’re eyebrows and eyelashes are out yet? I have NO eyebrows and 3 or 4 eyelashes. Top it up with the bald head and you might as well put me in bowl full water as I look like a fish! I too used to have thick hair and long eyelashes, and all this is very depressing! Oh well, like you said, roll on fringe!
Debs xx

Debs, the eyelashes are like Liza Minelli in Cabaret!! One minute there was nothing and now I have to be careful with the mascara or I look like a trannie! They started off like a toothbrush and then keep growing. My eyebrows are a bit odd as some of the upper arch came back really fair and fluffy. So did my face mind you. My other half was calling me Wolfie which is mot what you want to hear when you’re feeling a bit insecure about your looks. A fish look is not too bad, they are at least cute. My brother took one look at me and said I looked like Doris Karloff! Now if I could just lose the half a stone that’s settled like a rubber ring around my belly I’d be laughing!! Xx

For those newly diagnosed and about to start chemo, here are a couple of my experiences that may be of some help…

Wig - luckily I already had fairly short hair but had it cut a bit shorter. Found a good wig at Hothair which was fairly similar then had my hairdress cut it as close to my short style as possible. I then wore it to work a couple of times in my team meetings - i.e. with people I know. We did a sort of ‘Is she or isn’t she thing’ and had a laugh about it and they told me what they thought of it. So, it meant that whatever I might feel about myself at home, I knew I’d be able to go in to work for as long as I felt able and people not notice much of a difference. Much to my surprise more than a few people commented on how much they liked my new haircut!!

Cold cap - the third treatment was soooo painful as I had quite a few very thin patches on my head so cold cap was in direct contact with my scalp. I wasn’t sure if I should carry on. Found some thin scull caps which I wore for last 3 treatments - possibly a bit pointless as most of my hair fell out but I kept some which made me feel better - see Accessories - wig liners and head caps - wig liner for cold cap, head cap for bed!

To shave or not to shave - I could have done but didn’t feel like it so I didn’t. It was only me who would see my head anyway as my wig was so good, so I did kept I had as I thought it would help post chemo when hair started growing back.

My only real advice, find a way to do what you feel is right for you.


I finished tratment last month. I did not have the cold cap and lost my hair. My hair is growing back and I probably have about 1/2 inch. I stopped wearing bandanas and the difference in growth is unbelievable. I also feel good about not hiding behind the bandana, some strange looks and those that question it are children. My question is, when can I have low lights put in my hair? I appear to more greyer than before and would like colour.

Hi Alldone, I’ve been told not to colour my hair for 6 months. Much as I’d like to get rid of the grey I’m more afraid of damaging the new hair and ending up bald again. For now I’m sporting the silver fox look!

Just done EC3 with cold cap on advice of nurses and Mr Paxman. Yes I’ve lost loads and am still losing … lots of bald patches … but still have fringe, sides and back … because my head is so small, we have this time used the red inner, with the yellow cap outer … The yellow cap in full was too small and the red cap in full is slightly too big on the top.

I am wearing wigs or bandanas all the time, it looks awful without.

See what happens. But Mr Paxman suggested that continuing to use it may help the regrowth. Still have eyebrows and eyelashes … but for how long…

Thanks loupylou for that, I did hear it was 6 months but was hoping it was wrong. May need to use a wash in wash out colour with very few chemicals or coloured mousse when my son gets married in October

Hi all,
I hope you’re all doing well.

I had TAC3 today without the cold cap. I think I look a little like a coconut so between wolves, foxes, fishes, sheep, monks and fruit I think we’ve got quite some looks going on!

Angielav I’m glad you like you’re Halo I bought mine for exactly the same reason. I have just got back from Portugal and the heat in the day was too much for a wig so used my halo with a bandana and clipped the next area up, it worked!

Fascinated by the hair changes, I’m 39 and def not ready for grey!

Love Smiles xx

Because I still have front sides and nape of hair, nurses suggested looking into some kind of hair piece that would clip into my existing hair … anyone had any experience of this??