Cold caps question

When you were using cold caps what did people do when they had thin/bald patches if you can’t wear hats because of getting the follicles hot? What about covering in the sun?

Hi Cann 


I was told to order surgical caps which are very thin paper like caps with elastic which i put on my head under the cold cap.  I got them off ebay


They just stop you getting freezer burns on the bald patches on your head.


Try these they work and make it more comfortable. Dont be put off coz your hair is falling out as it grows back much faster because the folicles are undamaged and you keep your natural colour


Best of luckxx

What a great idea! I’m looking for these too Tina as i’m seriously thinking of ditching the cold cap as i’ve lost so much hair. If i find these it would encourage me to keep trying xx

Hi geri
Theyre on ebay.

Hiya - I’ve just had my first session of chemo, and used a cold cap.  It wasn’t as freezing as I thought it would be, just tight, especially the strap holding it on under my chin!  My dilemma is, I have dyed my hair for years which of course now I won’t be able to, so if my hair survives my roots will be horrendous!  Seems a silly thing to worry about,  but I can’t decide whether to go for the ‘Cruella De Ville’ look, or just deal with being bald.  I guess I will just wear a hat or scarf to cover the stripes, and I just read further down that if my hair does fall out anyway, it can grow back better as the folicles are less damaged…

I have no evidence as I just ordered it today but a company called has a brush on dye that says it will stay in place between washes and is “pillow proof”. Thinking I will use it on the regions that show the most: at my part and along my temples to diffuse the grey. Fingers crossed. Will post results once i have tried it. So investigate and fight on.